23 Questions 37 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Xin Wang
Hello, my microarray data (mice colon tissue) showed the increaed immunoglobulin-related gene expression in mice sample, why these genes increased? are these immunoglobulin autoantibodies ? or...
09 September 2018 9,301 1 View
Hi everyone, I know that TLR signal can recruit the myd88 to cell membrance from cytoplasm. Here I observed thatTLR4 protein slightly increased while total myd88 protein expression decreased. Do...
03 March 2018 8,707 2 View
Hello everyone, Many immune cells in mice colon can secret IFNg and IL17, for example, NK cell, CD4T and CD8 T, they all can secret the IFNg and IL17. Here I want to ask, are the IFNg or IL17...
02 February 2018 5,420 4 View
Hello everyone, Th1 and Th17 cell play a pathogenic role in mice disease model, while play a protective role in healthy mice. Here I want to ask will it cause inflammation if there are reduced...
10 October 2017 7,315 0 View
Hello everyone, Here I am confused about the colitis mice model, it seems that colitis mice model are the CD4-mediated (increased Th1 or Th17) colitis model, I wonder whether there are colitis...
10 October 2017 667 8 View
Hello everyone, Does anyone know which gene regulate the MyD88 gene expression in the intestinal epithelial cells ? or whether PI3K/AKT regulate the MyD88 expression or not? if MyD88...
10 October 2017 2,184 4 View
Hi everyone, I am going to use DSS to induce acute colitis, and check the immune response, including innate immune cell and adptive immune cells, here the question is that: What is the...
04 April 2017 5,292 3 View
Hi everyone, I found that mast cell protease 1 and mast cell protease 2 expression level increased 4 fold (qPCR) in colon epithelial cells of KO mice, so here I want to ask, are there any...
11 November 2016 2,320 2 View
Hi everyone, For my sequencign results, why almost half of the bacteria from mouse feces are assigned to Bacteroidales: S24-7, can I further assign S24-7 to genus level? does it mean that I...
09 September 2016 4,912 4 View
Hi everyone, Here I have one question need your help. I found that hte IgG2a level significantly increased in intestine of KO mice, here I want to ask, which bacteria or antigen can...
08 August 2016 10,005 0 View
Hi, After shacking the mice colon mucosa in HBSS with EDTA, DTT at 37oC for 20 min, then sediment for 15 min at 37oC, then I can get the crypt epithelium. But how to get the single cell...
01 January 2016 5,811 3 View
Hi, I am choosing antibody of CD45 for flow cytometry, my sample is mice colon tissue, but there are three types of CD45 antibody, named CD45, CD45.1 and CD45.2, Which one should I choose?...
10 October 2015 11,306 7 View
Hi, I gating the cells
09 September 2015 7,458 26 View
Hi, I am nowing collecting the colon Lamina Propria cells. And when I prepared the digestion solution which need the DNase I. Here, I want to ask, I have two type of DNase I from different...
09 September 2015 1,254 2 View
Hi, Here I want to analyze the T cell (from mice colon tissue), including Th1, Th17 in flow cytometry, Considering the cells number, what's the length of the colon do I need for cell collection...
08 August 2015 496 11 View
Hi, I need to identify four type of cells in colon tissue. 1) Macrophage 2) Monocyte 3) Neutrophils 4) Eosinophils Is there anyone who know the gating strategy (antibody selection) for these...
08 August 2015 795 7 View
After cut single band from PCR-DGGE gel (534R, 341F-GC, which amplify a fragment of 193 bp ), then do PCR and ligation with pBlue vector, after transformation, I pick 10 clones and extracted the...
07 July 2015 482 2 View
Hi, I want to ask about the sensitivity of Next Generation Sequence(NGS), I mean, for example, when you analysis the microbiota in the tissue sample by NGS, but some specific bacteria exist in the...
04 April 2015 6,057 8 View
Hi, i want to ask, what is the difference between commensal and pathogenic bacteria invasion pathway? Does this two type of bacteria Invade in colonic epithelial cell in the same way? by binding...
04 April 2015 3,383 5 View
Hi, I want to ask what is DGGE marker used for? Since there almost no commercial DGGE marker. I can make my own marker by myself, but does the marker make any sense when you analyze the DGGE gel...
03 March 2015 4,593 3 View
Hi, as i want to extract bacterial DNA from mice tissue, but the final solution also contains both bacterial DNA and background DNA (mice tissue DNA), Will the somatic DNA influence the bacterial...
02 February 2015 4,048 8 View
I am new to the DGGE primer set, I am going to research on the microbiome analysis through DGGE, but I would like to ask is there any DGGE primer set fit for universal bacteria? And is there any...
02 February 2015 1,295 2 View
On mice colon mucosal mirobiome study, treat mice with DSS to induce colitis, then collect the mucosal microorganism to analyze mirobiome change, but colon has four different parts, so which part...
01 January 2015 2,928 7 View