I would just go to the point. I am having two confusions with my study. Would someone kindly give me information?

Problem one

What is the minimum sample size for my model? You can see my model in the picture that i attached here. But here is the description.

  • Predictor Variable: 1 variable with 4 dimensions
  • Moderator Variable: 2 Variables with a total of 5 dimensions
  • Criterion Variable:  1 Variable with no dimensions

(Please see the attached picture)

If you can kindly also give the reference. I will appreciate it.


Problem 2

The purpose of my research is to find out which among the two moderator variables are the better moderator variable. I only got this purpose after my proposal defense. However i kind of confuse on how i will do that.

I can find out whether the two moderator variables are significant or not, but how to find out which one is stronger than the other one? Its gonna be obvious if one of them is not significant, but what if two of them are significant? How should i know? Can i use the p_value of each moderator and compare them?

Those are the problem i am currently facing right now, i hope someone can kindly inform what should do next...

Thank you and have a nice day...


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