Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Just like the title say, i am wondering. A lot of researches has linked inversely between racism and happiness. So when people experience racism in their life their level of happiness become low.

But how to explain people that still feel happy even though they experience high level of racism?

There are several thing come to my mind, however i dont know whether this is correct or not?

1. Perception: One may see racism as something funny and not negative. So there will be no negative thought attached to the event (i actually talk with a person that has this kind of thought)

2. Exposure: One may experience racism too often that he become used to it and does not care anymore.

What do you think? However i couldnt find any article that can support my idea.

If you can help or give another idea with reference i would be so grateful.

Thank you very much and hope somebody reply.

Best regard 

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