36 Questions 875 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muayyad Ahmad
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (APA 7) was released recently, what are the new features in this edition? how does it differ from APA 6?
09 September 2019 536 1 View
What is your suggestion to obtain reliability for Visual Analogue Scale?
06 June 2017 5,033 5 View
What is the difference between Equivalence reliability: "The degree of similarity between alternative forms of an instrument" and; Criterion validity: "The degree to which the instrument is...
02 February 2017 3,380 1 View
Are there ISI Journals in health field which accept papers with 7,000 words length? and if related to pediatric care will be better.
12 December 2016 10,022 2 View
Do you think that researchers should report how they handled the assumptions of the statistical test they used in their publicaitons?
02 February 2016 5,601 14 View
Please if you can help in the classification of the Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (GARJMMS) ISSN - 2315-5159 is this journal ISI?
01 January 2016 6,586 6 View
Can you please clarify the process on how Era datababse classify the Journals into A+, A, B, C...etc.? on what bases are this classificaiton conducted?
01 January 2016 7,077 3 View
Is it acceptable to merge data from 2 different studies for the same scale? both studies are almost conducted on similar population. or, to do analysis for the psychometrics of the 2 sets of data...
01 January 2016 8,523 11 View
What is your advice for graduate students [in health field] for choosing the topic for their theses and dissertations?
12 December 2015 637 9 View
In some publications, when one supposed to follow the assumptions of statistics, and when the level of measurement for the variable should be Interval or Ratio, one can find Ordinal level being...
11 November 2015 4,559 9 View
I am looking for your suggestion for a recently published book in Quantitative Research to be suitable for graduate levels. Thanks for your contribution
11 November 2015 9,672 27 View
How to analyze Time series data using SPSS? can we examine significant differences among the different time?
10 October 2015 3,389 2 View
Dear Scholar Do you know any source that presents a range (a limit) to the number of pages for each chapter in the PhD disserations? I have noticed that the APA and other major writing styles...
10 October 2015 8,180 5 View
how to merge 2 SPSS files with different groups and different questions?
10 October 2015 2,508 2 View
How can I calculate sample size based on confidence interval? and when it is recommended to use this approach rather than Cohen's power approach?
09 September 2015 7,641 5 View
Which statistical software is better, is it SPSS or SAS? and why?
08 August 2015 1,031 2 View
I have SPSS (IBM 21.0), do you think it differs from the newest version 23.0? and do I need to upgrade to the new verision? what is the difference between both?
08 August 2015 9,338 5 View
Dear scholar, is there a standard/ or any recommendation for the PhD dissertation length in psychosocial field. Specifically, how many pages the range should be for the first chapter...
08 August 2015 275 2 View
Please anyone can help in getting this form "reporting guideline checklist (COREQ)?" every time I search I ended up in the following...
07 July 2015 3,606 2 View
Which method is more accurate, or better recommended to calcualte sample size: using for example the free available programs such as G.power or going back to Cohen (1988) reference book? or follow...
05 May 2015 286 18 View
In what cases when the ANOVA result is not significant, but the post hoc may reveal significant differences bewteen groups?
05 May 2015 6,179 22 View
Are the journals affiliated with Web of Science; Thomson Reuters and Information the same as Information Sciences Institute (ISI) journals? What is the difference between them?
05 May 2015 1,354 10 View
When we have to adopt intervention design rather than descriptive? is there any need to conduct descriptive studies these days? and, how much are the chances to find journal to publish descriptive...
05 May 2015 3,044 2 View
What is a suitable method to measure the knowlege among health care workers regarding the transmission of microorganism inside hospitals?
05 May 2015 5,878 4 View
why the searching engines don't give same findings on research citation?
04 April 2015 3,924 1 View
The only criteria which we currently use is the students Grades in the highschool exams! any other suggestions to recruite better students to nursing profeesion?
04 April 2015 4,865 1 View
any update on importing the citations in googlescholar to RG?
04 April 2015 2,156 1 View
In a national survey research, what are the suggestions to obtain the IRB approval? or, is it necessary to obtain the IRB approval in this case?
02 February 2015 3,637 4 View
To figure out the strength of effect for the variable in a regression equation, which one is more appropriate to report for the predictors: Beta or semi-partial correlation? And, in the case of...
02 February 2015 9,443 3 View
MLR is a linear statistical analysis, however it is not included in SPSS (IBM) under GLM (assuming the name implicitly means linearity for any analysis with GLM ), anybody have answer?
01 January 2015 6,307 4 View
My data which saved in SPSS 21 cant be open, and I get the following message: "The Unicode encoding of this file is not supported by the Textwizard. You can use the DATA LIST command to read...
01 January 2015 4,603 2 View
what advices can you give to guide graduate nursing students to write research problem that leads to publication?
12 December 2014 6,438 4 View
In ResearchGate, there is a vairation in calculating the impact score! It seems that the number of publications is not the main factor, how and why?
12 December 2014 4,262 1 View
what is the simplest formula for calculating the sample size in survey research?
12 December 2014 8,328 10 View
How much data is needed so that it is accurate to do point biserial correlation using SPSS?
12 December 2014 725 11 View
looking for suggestions to import citations from googlescholar to researchgate
12 December 2014 2,275 2 View