I have the XTT salt (powder) and I would like to use it for XTT assay.

For that reason, I am going to follow the Roche CellProliferation Kit which constitues of:

- XTT in RPMI 1640 medium,1 mg/ml, filtered through 0.2 μm pore size membrane (I am going to use DMEM instead of RPMI since I don't have RPMI in my lab right now)

- PMS (N-methyl dibenzopyrazine methyl sulfate) 0.383 mg/ml (1.25 mM) in PBS, filtered through 0.2 μm pore size membrane

The kit is meant to be stored at at -15 to - 25°C.

I plan to prepare the XTT and PMS solution as described. Do you think it's ok to prepare more of them than just for a single use and to freeze the solutions? The XTT solution contains cell medium which raises my doubts. Is it possible that the manufacturer of the Roche Proliferation Kit puts something more in the solutions (cryopreservative?) that is not mentioned in the composition?

I attach the Roche Proliferation Kit leaflet file.

I would be grateful for any responses. Thank you.

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