i found an ELISA kit to detect pCREB and total CREB from Abcam company...can i use it for brain homogenate? as i know brain tissue homogenate is too dirty?can anyone help or suggest alternative?
i think its very clear from my question that can ELISA kit be used for brain homogenates?so it means i want to try it but im not sure because brain homogenate is much dirty as compared to blood for example...
prepare brain homogenate is a uniform process, when we do it for specific protein or gene expression. its mean when you prepare brain homogenate , it should properly processed and when process after filtering through mesh there is no debris, and if still have some deris you can wash wi5h medium or PBS. after that there is no problem with, using your specified ELISA KIT. ( you final homogenate should be very uniform after process,so there is no priblem with)