I'm trying to separate out low Mw proteins using 15% gels, however I'm getting a persistent problem where the stacking gel separates from the resolving gel during the run and I lose all my sample as it diffuses out from the interface. Any that does make it through doesn't run straight, and in any case the amount that makes it across in each case is variable between wells which makes it very unreliable to draw any conclusions. I've tried running it at low voltage (80V) to get it past the border but still get the same problem. I don't think it's a polymerisation issue as both stack and separating gels appear solid enough when I pry the plates apart at the end of the run. It also don't see the problem with my 10 or 12% gels.

I tend to cast the day before and leave them overnight wrapped in damp paper towels and cling film to keep things hydrated, and use isopropanol or butanol to level them off. I've tried washing the gel with Tris prior to adding the stack in case it's down to trace isopropanol/butanol but without luck.

I'm wondering if anybody can shed some light on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

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