If the understanding of your question means reference to decimals, SPSS has no problem with that. No matter the number of decimals the data contain, SPSS takes good care. Input your data and do not worry about the approximation it shows off.
Attia, may I suggest this: when you encode your data in SPSS, one column there allows you to decide the number of decimals your variable is measured, select the number of decimals you have for your variable, the last column makes you choose the kind of measure (nominal, scale), select scale. For the analysis, select Analyze data. You must be guided by the fact that continuous data are generally for ratio/interval measures where you can compute arithmetic mean, Pearson r and analysis of variance. I hope this suggestion helps you.
I am not certain what your problem is. However one way to tranform continuous data into categorical data is the RECODE statement. This statement can be used to classify continuous data so as it can be viewed easily in a table.
e.g. Recode Age(0=0)(1 thru 5=1)5 thru 12=2)(else =3) into Agecat .
Value Labels Agecat 1 " 1 to 5" 2 "6to 12 " 3 "> 12 " .
Freq Agecat .
Alternative approach is simply graph (histogram or boxplot) data using EXPLORE function or Graph.
Just enter the data and calculate the measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) and measures of dispersion ( interquartile range, variance and standard deviation)...
That's how to deal with continuous data in SPSS.. :D
If the understanding of your question; you have quantitative data .First of all enter the data with decimal if it needed . so determine the decimal numbers to be allowed enter complete of the number then select (scale) item of last column (kind of mearment .For analysis the first use Kormoglof -Smirnoff test to determine if your data have normal distribution or not .If yes you can Student T test ,Correlation test for compare the mean and correlation the data in different groups if you have nevertheless you need just descriptive analysis.if NOT you can apply proper non parametric test such mannwhitny test,....
Continuous data can be easily dealt and analyzed in SPSS in various ways all based on your question type. If its ratio or interval measure then decimals are easily analyzed by SPSS. You can then apply central tendency, mean, median , standard deviations. And continuous data can be easily changed into categorical data by using recode menue so that t test or other tests can be applied. But decision depends upon your objective of doing analysis
Hi Attia, first clarify your question so that you get a precise answer. As others have highlighted SPSS has the capability of dealing with decimals, you have the option of recoding the data as a new variable without necessarily loosing the data into categorical form. It also depends on what type of analysis you would wish to carry out with your data.