This link does not provide much information for extracting any standard primers available. the whole genome sequence data is given. I would have to design new primers and establish the study. Are there any primers to detect neem specifically?
Please check out this paper. One paragraph describes some specific genes for pathways in neem. You may take a look at that, and start from there:
The paragraph:
"Terpenoid biosynthesis pathways"
The genes related to quinone, terpenoid and terpenoid-backbone synthesis pathways were identified by KEGG’s KAAS automatic pathway annotation pipeline [39]. GGPS (NCBI gene ID: 816377), COQ6 (NCBI gene ID: 822006) and CLA1 (NCBI gene ID: 827230) were among the top 5 differentially expressed genes in neem leaf compared to the other organs (Figure 8).
Eight genes (TPS21, NCBI gene ID: 832461; lytB/ispH, NCBI gene ID: 829585; ispE, NCBI gene ID: 817234; GGPS, NCBI gene ID: 816377; +neomenthol dehydrogenase, NCBI gene ID: 825294; FDPS, NCBI gene ID: 827430; FDFT1, NCBI gene ID: 829616 and SQLE, NCBI gene ID: 816814) involved in the synthesis of sesquiterpenes and triterpenes leading to azadirachtin-A were over-expressed in neem compared to A. thaliana, O. sativa, C. sinensis and V. vinifera, (Figure 8c).