I was wondering, and didn't find so much on the web, if there was a stripping method for nitrocellulose membranes, to get rid of my previous stains.

In our lab we use (I think the most common) stripping protocol of (vol/vol):

  • TRIS pH6.7 - 62.5%;
  • SDS 20% - 20%;
  • ß-mercapto-ETOH  - 0.7%
  • H2O to 100%
  • 50°C - 65°C for 30-45mins, agitate repeatedly

With a lot of stains that works out fine, but with some more highly expressed proteins stained with "good" ABs (let's say ERK1/2, CS), the signal persists after stripping. I also tweaked it a bit by doubling or tripling the mercapto, longer heating,  but with little success.

I am not afraid of losing protein - if that happens I can still soften the method. So I'd be thankful for any suggestions (short of sandpaper) how to get rid of these ABs.


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