I want to quantify UDP-Glucuronic acid and UDP-Nacetylglucosamine in my bacterial samples using Ion Pair reverse phase HPLC. The paper I am referring for the protocol says to look for their peeks at 254nm. But at this wavelength I am getting a lot of noise (unknown/ unwanted/ghost peeks). Can anyone suggest any other wavelength that can be used for UDP-Glucuronic acid and UDP-Nacetylglucosamine estimation with minimum noise.

One more question is that if say I have one sample (A) which is clear white in appearance and at the same time I have sample (B) which has constituents same as sample A and that too in same concentration but it is not clear white but has slight yellowish colour. While analyzing it with ion pair reverse phase HPLC, will the two samples be giving me same peak heights and area under the curve values or i will be over or under estimating the samples or there would be change in just ghost peaks and the required metabolite peaks will remain same.


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