01 January 1970 5 1K Report

Hey everyone,

I would like to solicit thoughts on the best approach to validate microRNA deep sequencing results by qPCR. In brief, my PhD project is evaluating exosomal microRNA expression from multiple (5 for now) canine mammary tumor (CMT) cell lines in vitro versus 3 normal canine mammary epithelial cell lines (CMEC). We submitted the exosomal RNA for Illumina HiSeq single end 50 bp deep sequencing (15 million reads/sample) and got back robust data that correlates pretty well with human breast cancer literature and previous qRT-PCR microarray profiling of the parent cell lines in my PI's lab.

The trouble is now we are trying to "validate" (I put validate in quotes because it seems silly we have to "prove" millions of data points normalized to a global expression mean with a tiny fraction of replicates normalized to one or a few supposed housekeeping targets) the microRNA NGS results by qPCR with TaqMan-based small RNA assays and having difficulty getting remotely similar numbers. When we use miR-16 as a normalizer (which is already suspect as it is upregulated in our CMT group), we get minimal difference in key miRs that are highly upregulated by CMT in NGS. ON the other hand, we recently attempted spike in cel-miR-39-3p as an exogenous control and that appeared to lead to a way **overestimate** of fold change (>20-fold difference when NGS said ~5 fold upregulated).

I know there is currently no "gold standard" normalizer for miR studies, and exosomal projects are even wonkier than profiling cells or tissue, so I'm not asking for a magical cure all solution. But I'm hoping someone out there has some good troubleshooting tips and/or guiding principles on how to approach such a tricky project!

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