07 November 2017 5 736 Report

I have ran multiple mixed ANOVA's on results I obtained during a recent study. I understand how to conduct a mixed ANOVA but I'm having trouble with satisfying certain assumptions of this test.

Two of the assumptions of Mixed ANOVAs are:

1) No significant outliers - outliers are more than 2/3 SD from the mean.

2) Equality of Covariance Matrices - p value should be non significant to accept the null hypothesis that the observed covariance matrices of the dependent variable are equal across groups.

1) When I check for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test, I have some data that isnt normally disributed due to outliers than I dont want to remove. All the outliers are values well above or below the mean but only some our classed as extreme in SPSS (*). What should I do with this data for the mixed ANOVA? Should the data all be transformed? I have read that the data only has to be approximately normal!? Is the ANOVA I have already ran therefore incorrect?

2) With the equality of covariance matrices, some of my Levene's test values are significant (p < 0.05). However to accept the null hypothesis stated above we would like p > 0.05. What do I do in this instance?

Thank you in advance for your kind help. Statistics is far from my area of expertise unfortunately!!

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