I am wondering if prolonged incubations in 5M GuHCl when crush-and soaking acrylamide gel slabs can denature DNA. I normally use water or the Maniatis buffer, but having 5M GuHCl around would help my downstream processing (silica columns)
I don't think GdmCl is able to denature DNA. And even if it was the case, the downstream purification of the DNA on silica column would allow its renaturation.
Thank you, Alejandro and Dominique! I have since tried extracting DNA from acrylamide gels in 5M GuHCl buffer overnight, followed by filtration through cellulose acetate (Costar-X), addition of 1/2 part of isopropanol, and silica columns, and I got good recovery (I believe, 2-3 x better than I was getting with water).