Dear Biomedical researchers, Recently, I have done several animal experiments related to my PhD. I am willing to share some of these research materials with Researchers who are interested in Collaboration with Our lab.

Experiment 1: C57Bl6N mice treated with vehicle or Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) agonist dexamethasone for 6h. Experiment 2: C57Bl6N mice treated with vehicle or GR agonist dexamethasone with or without GR antagonist Mifepristone for 6h. Experiment 3: C57Bl6N mice treated with vehicle or GR antagonist Mifepristone two times (12h time interval), after which mice were either fed or 12h fasted before scarifying. Experiment 4: Knockdown of the GR in the liver using ShRNA-GR-Ad.

The following tissues were collected: Liver, Kidney, Muscles, White adipose tissue, Duodenum, Ileum, and Colon.

I am willing to share some of these research materials with Researchers who are interested in Collaboration with Our lab.

You can find more information about the experiments in Research materials database @Collaboration Bank ( I am also happy to give you more information.

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