Low Carb Protocol has been proven to significantly reduce Trig/HDL ratio, now considered a better indicator than LDL in the Standard Lipid Panel Tests. Lower Trig/HDL ratio is known to correllate well with increase in LDL Particle making it harmless even if LDL quantum goes up. A better indicator that correllates with Trig/HDL is ApoB/ApoA1 ratio but is not normally paid for by Medical Insurance. Prof Robert Lustig explains it very well for the Lay-Person in few minutes www.tinyurl.com/good-ldl. This is very important as one of the main obstacles in reversing Type-2 Diabetes on LCHF Diet is LDL may go up and Dr and Patient must be able to see it in proper context so as not to stop the best known way to completely reverse T2DM without medication, which anyway only allows the disease to "progress" and made worse when Insulin is eventually introduced. Downhill from there on.