I prepared a stock of Apyrase diluted in Water (12 U/ 100 uL) to use it right away, but I had some problems and I don't want to lose this stock. Can it be stored at 4 ºC or should I freeze it back to -20 ºC? How long would it last?
Why not put it in a slighly basic buffer with glycerol and then flash freeze. I 'm not sure about Apyrase but generally its not a good idea to prepare enzymes in water.
Proteins (enzymes) vary in their storage behavior. Usually, a particular enzyme is studied for its storage behavior after purification and is instructed to follow during usage. So, the supplier must have given some instruction regarding the storage of that enzyme. It is wise to prepare enzyme solution as much as you need and at the time of use in a prescribed buffer at a deisred pH.