Hey guys,
I have a PCR product that is 66bp long and want to visualise in native PAGE but the bands are not as clear as I imagined they would be. I am preparing 10% gels that I pre-run for 30mins at 50V and then run the gel at 100V for 1h 15mins.
The DNA has a fluorescein 5' modification so there is no need to stain after running the gel. However, I don't have a fluorescent DNA ladder so running a bit in the dark (literally) in the PAGE gels.
Do I need to use even higher gel percentage or run it slower? Any ideas much appreciated
- I've included an example of what I see on an agarose gel vs the PAGE gels.
- The agarose sample is also on lane 4 of the first PAGE gel
- Last PAGE gel has PCR product and the ssDNA purified from that PCR