08 August 2014 11 137 Report

I have been trying many times and still failed to give single peak in melt curve. I have designed a new primers to detect all 6 variant of my target gene. Please refer to the blast result as attached. I have done Ta optimisation but the result is weird. My desired PCR products should be 137bp but the gel image didn't match. Final concentration for both forward and reverse primers are 0.5uM. The one step real time RT-PCR is as below:

Cycle 1: (1X)

Step 1: 42.0 °C for 30:00.

Cycle 2: (1X)

Step 1: 95.0 °C for 05:00.

Cycle 3: (40X)

Step 1: 95.0 °C for 00:10.

Step 2: 60.0 °C-65.0 °C for 00:30.

Data collection and real-time analysis enabled.

A: 65.0 B: 64.8 C: 64.2 D: 63.3 E: 62.0 F: 61.1 G: 60.5 H: 60.0

Cycle 4: (1X)

Step 1: 95.0 °C for 01:00.

Cycle 5: (1X)

Step 1: 55.0 °C for 01:00.

Cycle 6: (61X)

Step 1: 65.0 °C-95.0 °C for 00:10.

Increase set point temperature after cycle 2 by 0.5 °C

Melt curve data collection and analysis enabled.

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