When searching for miRNA validated/experimental target gens what database do people recommend. I have been using TargetScan v 6.2, miRSearch v 3.0, miRTarBase. Recently I have been looking at DIANA TarBase v. 7.0. According their reference article
I. S. Vlachos, M. D. Paraskevopoulou, D. Karagkouni, G. Georgakilas, T. Vergoulis, I. Kanellos, I-L. Anastasopoulos, S. Maniou, K. Karathanou, D. Kalfakakou, A. Fevgas, T. Dalamagas and A. G. Hatzigeorgiou. DIANA-TarBase v7.0: indexing more than half a million experimentally supported miRNA:mRNA interactions. Nucl. Acids Res. (2014)
They state that the DIANA TarBase has 9- to 250-fold more entries than any other relevant database.
My data is from a miRNA-microarray using Exiqon 7th gene sliedes and LNA thecnology.
RNA from platelets in stored platelet concentrats.
Thank you.