Hi all,
I am trying to clone a 750bp Age1/Xho1 fragment cut from a minipreped cDNA into another minipreped vector of 7.5Kbp (Amp) cut with the same enzymes.
Insert and vector bands were cut and DNA extracted from gel. a 5:1 ratio was set and ligation carried out using new T4 DNA ligase for 10min and 120min (@RT) and overnight (@16C).
After DH5a transformation:
- DH5a only = 0 colonies
- DH5a + vector only = 7 colonies
- DH5a + insert +vector (10min) = 6 colonies
- DH5a + insert +vector (120min) = 4 colonies
- DH5a + insert +vector (ON) = 1 colonies
6 (10min)+4(120min) colonies were minicultured and DNA minipreped then digested Age1/Xho1 -> Very odd result: No positive clones (no 750bp band seen), but other DNA species with different sizes and digestion profiles than the used vector.
1- Any idea on what is wrong with this protocol?
2- Is it possible to test the ligation reaction by PCR to check for ligation event using insert-specific primers? would the ligation mix inhibit PCR reaction?
3- How come there are other DNA species that can transform DH5a, while DH5a only = 0 colonies?