Dear community,

I've been trying to classify soil community obtained through the amplification of AMF specific primers (AMV4.5NF (5'-AAGCTCGTAGTTGAATTTCG-3') e  AMDGR (5'-CCCAACTATCCCTATTAATCAT-3')). Hence I am looking for a specific database for AMF, I have been trying to download maarjAM without success for days, but I cannot create an account on their website, as I never get their subscription e-mail.

Does anyone have MaarJam database and can share it with me? Or maybe there are other databases that I should be aware of?

Update 03/26, maarjAM website has been fixed. I was able to download all the data and classify my amplicon.

Update 2: To anyone following this, I have created a qiime2 file (.qza) of the MaarJam database. It's freely available at

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