Hey there,
Due to limited resource, we are trying to assess the interaction of a 50mer aptamer with a 25kDa protein domain. The protocol we are using is unusual in that the gel is 2.5% agarose with the running buffer being 0.5x TB, run at 20 V/cm for 10-30 mins. The intention of this was to increase resolution so we can get an approximation of Kd through gel image analysis software.
In the binding buffer (PBS with 0.55mM MgCl2), the aptamer is heated at 90, then put on ice before being held at room temperature to allow for folding. Following this, our target (diluted in our binding buffer from a 7.4 pH buffered 6M urea stock suspension) is added in increasing concentrations and held at room temperature for 30mins to allow binding to happen.
After electrophoresis and staining and destaining with RedSafe, we see the decreasing gradient of free oligo you’d expect to see, but no heavier band showing a gradient in inverse proportion to the free oligo band, indicating the presence of the complex.
Where‘s my complex at?