I would like to study the metagenomic diversity of actinobacteria associated with the marine sponges. In this context, I would like to use actinospecific primers to capture the complete actinobacteria phylum rather than using universal primers. Especially, would like to explore the rare actinobacteria like Salinispora.
I am aware the actinospecific primers given by Stach et al. 2003 ( SC-Act-235aS20, SC-Act-878aA19) may be useful in my case. However, as the primer read length is 640 bp it can not be used for Illumina.
Illumina can deliver less than 400 bp.
Blackwood et al., 2005 has also proposed Phyla specific primers. He has reported that the Actinobacteria Phyla specific primer "Act1159R" captures most of the actinobacteria they tested. Can it be useful in my case? Whether the Reverse primer alone sufficient to explore the actinobacterial Phyla?
Kindly, some one can provide me the write primer that will be helpful for me.
Thanks in Advance.