Dear all,
My lab was isolated leukocytes and stored at -20C. And now I am trying to isolate DNA from it by using Zymo DNA isolation minipreb kit.
I encountered several problems, first I could not resuspend the pellet of cells. Eventhough after lysis and proteinase K threatment, there is some pellet remained. we thought that maybe it was because of coagulation and we used lysis buffer for it. And I tried tissue lysis buffer in the kit as well. And also I increased the time of incubation at 55C. But these solutions did not work for me.
I could not isolate the DNA. Maybe I thought the paticules or pellet part could block the matrix in the column. Or 1 year could affect the DNA eventhough I am not positive about it.
So What do you think about my problem? How can I isolate DNA ?
Same blood sample PBMC's are also isolated but I did not have any problem isolating DNA from PBMC by using the same kit.
EDIT: I've tried overnight or 24H Proteinase K and lysis buffer digestion and I increased the vortex step like 1 minute. After that I could obtain enough DNA.
Thanks in advance.