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Questions related to Statistical Software
The Pareto chart signifies the important factors where a dotted line crosses over. I need to know how does the minitab calculate the number.
02 February 2016 1,001 5 View
I need to analysis some data on stability model using Ebernert and Russell, Shukla and other relevant ones
02 February 2016 7,330 2 View
For example in demographic part I have an open ended question about income and nationality How much is your monthly income ?...... ( the respondents answer with their own currency ) What is your...
02 February 2016 4,696 6 View
Which program will be better for analysis of this data. I need help to analyse this data in SAS program or any other program. If any friend provide my example for data preparation and running in...
01 February 2016 10,013 2 View
Respected researchers, Is there any non-parametric test equivalent to a repeated measures analysisof covariance (ANCOVA)?
10 January 2016 4,821 17 View
I want to make a meta-ananlysis. But the arcticles I identified reported RR based on different references. Some use the lowest one, some use hightest one. I want to unify all resules using highest...
01 January 2016 9,450 6 View
01 January 2016 6,698 14 View
previously i worked on Studies on shelf stability and utilization of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) and Virgin Coconut meal (VCM) in different traditional Indian sweets and bakery products..... by...
01 January 2016 2,748 1 View
Options you used:BootstrapNo=1000DistanceMethod=Nei1983OpenInTreeView=TrueRGSeed=1260105211TreeMethod=UPGMA[09:42:36]:Begin Data #1[09:42:36]:Compute original tree...[09:42:39]:Bootstrap across...
25 December 2015 2,207 1 View
I have 50 abnormal and 50 normal data set. I have set the classification process with 2 classifiers (LR and NB) and 10-cross validation. The tool gave a confusion matrix and performance metrics....
13 December 2015 5,174 3 View
12 December 2015 4,829 3 View
Specifically, I am dealing with dissolved organic matter fluorescence EEMs and curious about others experiences with PARAFAC. I am admittedly new to the analysis. Additionally, has anyone had...
12 December 2015 720 11 View
12 December 2015 6,814 1 View
I would also be grateful if someone could help with the methods for the pairwise comparison or post hoc test for a combined experiment in a statistical software.
12 December 2015 4,809 4 View
As you know when experiments are replicated over time and location, they are named “combined experiments”. The analysis of combined experiments is somewhat different from the other simple...
12 December 2015 1,092 3 View
Hi, I have been trying to recode the BMI values of my study participants into three different categories. However, things are not working our the way they're supposed to. I've used the syntax...
02 December 2015 1,532 9 View
As we know that there are several methods to test whether the data comes from normal distribution. Is there any method to test whether the sample comes from gamma distribution or not. which...
21 November 2015 9,763 3 View
We are fitting a piecewise exponential (or potentially other distribution) survival models to melanoma data. Codes for curves are also appreciated! It would be best to include the recommended way...
11 November 2015 4,224 1 View
11 November 2015 1,725 4 View
Colleagues I have a researcher who has undertaken analyses of barriers and drivers to change in a Public Sector Organisation (Pakistan). Sample size was 300, alphas and normality were all good,...
11 November 2015 5,368 7 View
i'm doing a meta-analysis and i have n, mean (sd) for two groups. means refer to change in cordance value. studies use different eeg and different reference electrodes. which effect size i have to...
11 November 2015 2,471 2 View
Hello, I am working on exploration of hidden microbial diversity using shotgun sequencing approach. I need to analyze my data using PAST. I installed PAST in my PC drive, I read the manual also,...
10 October 2015 4,718 5 View
Hello all, I have a matrix of gene-expression data from 50 samples whose rows are the probes and whose columns are the samples. There is an additional column consisting of the Entrez gene IDs for...
29 September 2015 6,335 8 View
I have 30 samples for three sites. the environmental variables were measured for each sample such as Depth, pH... etc. I want to observe the relationship between the organisms and the...
19 September 2015 4,602 2 View