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Questions related to Statistical Software
How can I calculate a cosinor analysis in Stata-11 or Stata-12?
02 February 2015 931 3 View
I have a good sense of how Stata and SAS differ in how they handle data files (with SAS reading only one observation into memory at a time and being able to handle multiple files at one, and Stata...
02 February 2015 4,043 8 View
Hi everyone, i am new to statistics and would like to consult you about some statistics issues. I have a judgement task with multiple-choice questions. The design is a 5x2 factorial design, in...
27 January 2015 2,376 9 View
Is there any specific software (except R, SAS and Stata) for drawing of a multi predictors nomogram? Such as comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA) software for meta-analysis studies.
23 January 2015 3,891 1 View
Latent profile analysis (LPA) is for identifying latent classes of observations based on continuous manifest variables. LPA is different from latent class analysis, which works with categorical...
17 January 2015 9,311 5 View
Please explain how to cluster the single variable data using minitab software. Please share if any algorithm is available for making similar groups from a set of data. Let the data is, A, B, C, D,...
01 January 2015 7,573 7 View
While working with date variables in STATA, I encountered an interesting problem. There is a date variable and there are hundreds of other common variables. I have to find out the initial and...
01 January 2015 4,656 7 View
01 January 2015 862 1 View
I am looking for statistical software used for MDCEV modelling in activity based travel behaviour studies.
01 January 2015 9,244 2 View
Hi, I have worked on 24 hour behavioral patterns of goats and sheep for different seasons and have four categories of the animals (Growing, milking, pregnant and male). I have recorded total time...
01 January 2015 1,981 5 View
We used SPSS to conduct a mixed model linear analysis of our data. How do we report our findings in APA format? If you can direct us to a source that explains how to format our results, we would...
30 December 2014 7,668 3 View
There are many statistical programs produced by software companies, enough to one should decide which software program is more fit to present and analyze the data. If we have data on ages of...
14 December 2014 9,491 67 View
The objectives of my ongoing work are (1) examining construct validity (2) factorial validity, and (3) cross validation with multiple independent samples in a single country context. For...
13 December 2014 6,727 2 View
Accepting that whole research careers are devoted to Statistics alone, and journals only devoted to Statistics continuously produce new publications, how can a student, scientist or teacher from...
12 December 2014 9,793 6 View
12 December 2014 7,223 67 View
How to prepare bgc software input file? How to convert it from vcf or iupac or genepop file?
12 December 2014 6,469 8 View
Given two variables described by a non-linear relationship, how do one fit a piece-wise (segmented) curve for these variables. In addition, how can one obtain the "coefficient of determination"...
11 December 2014 3,614 1 View
how to Perform least significant difference or critical difference in minitab. Plz explain
27 November 2014 947 1 View
My research covers how well the South African Consumer Price Index and the inflation rates it yields reflect inflation rates experienced by the poor. My research also looks at what challenges...
11 November 2014 1,749 1 View
I have Kaplan-Meier survivor curves for three populations on JMP. How can I test differences between them? The log-rank and Wilcoxon tests are reported and show a P value of >0.0001 but...
11 November 2014 6,359 10 View
Dear researchers I used XPS PEAK 4.1 software to elucidate the W4f peaks from Ti3p peak and evolved W 4f peaks but their doublet shape is not revealed. Then I came to know...
11 November 2014 7,925 10 View
I have tried EVIEWS. But I came across of many Research Papers relevant to my Research who have used STATA. Many workshops to be held are asking for installed STATA Software. How can I get STATA?
11 November 2014 4,479 16 View
May some one please let me know what syntax should be used for calculating the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium in case control studies?
11 November 2014 1,645 5 View
Theorem: Let X be a bivariate random variable with distribution function F. Given two nonsingular 2X2 matrices, say A and B, such that A-1B or B-1A has no zero element. Further, if the components...
11 November 2014 2,544 8 View