An activity in which the body is propelled by moving the legs rapidly. Running is performed at a moderate to rapid pace and should be... | Contact experts in Running to get answers
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Questions related to Running
Is it possible that I can generate these curves manually. If yes then which data is required for these curves. and how these curves are generated? Or is it possible we can run the model without...
30 March 2021 4,272 3 View
I am analysis a data using propensity score matching and path analysis. However, one of the assumptions in selecting matching variables for propensity score matching is that they should not affect...
25 March 2021 7,506 2 View
Explanation: I have one dependent, one independent, and one moderator. Before I run the PROCESS to check the moderation, I need to check the regression assumptions. Do I need to put the...
25 March 2021 6,450 6 View
Computational time of an algorithm depends on which factor? Once algorithm runs faster than the other, what are the factors through which one algorithm is faster than the other?
25 March 2021 5,868 6 View
Hello dear scientists, hope you all are doing well and safe!!! I´m modeling a simple flywheel energy system and had a hard brake on how do I model the flywheel propulsion requirements!!!! Do...
25 March 2021 7,581 1 View
Hello everyone, We are trying to buy a new machine for running both VASP and Wien2K calculations and we couldn't decide on the type of configuration in terms of CPU (AMD or intel) that is better...
25 March 2021 9,850 2 View
I have a quite complex model to run in SPSS Process with - 4 groups in the categorical IV - one mediator - metric DV and - three potential moderators. Three moderators is not provided in the...
23 March 2021 7,412 4 View
i am doing panel data study. all the variables are stationary at first difference level. My data shows cointegration among panels. So now how should I proceed further for estimation. On running...
23 March 2021 454 6 View
I need to know the simulation softwares to run the pixel level schematics which include the combination of photo diode and mosfets
22 March 2021 885 2 View
In the long run, the return of the stock market follows normal distribution (Roughly). Now, I am on the lookout for some signals generated by my Indicators which can give me an edge. Once I get...
22 March 2021 1,160 3 View
Hello, I am trying to run Proteome Discoverer (PD) software on cluster and would like to know if there is a way to run PD with Linux command line. Thank you for your help in advance! Best regards,
18 March 2021 1,551 2 View
I collected data from the Sony SH800S flow cytometer, however, I am seeing an inconsistency with the data from two different runs. During both runs, I gated for CD11b and CD45 co-positive cells...
18 March 2021 9,652 3 View
I have three independent groups in which I am needing to compare their genders (categorical variable: male, female, unknown) to see if they are statistically different between the groups. What...
17 March 2021 4,441 3 View
Hello everyone, does someone know if it is possible to limit the number of displayed traces in a HFSS Optimetrics run? I would like to display only the local minimal or the last 5 optimization...
17 March 2021 5,073 4 View
I am using Taqman to detect a transcript following a knockdown experiment of that gene in cells using esiRNA from Sigma (a mix of 19 siRNA sequences targeting different areas on the transcript of...
15 March 2021 3,205 3 View
I’m asking participants to complete 3 questionnaires so as to gather information in order to see if there is a relationship between the 3 variables. However, I would like to ask participants to...
14 March 2021 4,656 3 View
while running CICflowmeter soft from canadian institute of cyber security for capturing live network packets, i m getting this error ValueError: Unknown pypcap network interface 'wlan0' anyone...
14 March 2021 8,055 2 View
I have a sample dissolved in DMSO.. Can i run this sample through Q sepharose column ?
12 March 2021 8,777 1 View
I have 4 factors. Every factor is predicted by around 10 items. I did not face a problem in running CFA. However, when I want to make path analysis in Amos, how can I deal with all these items?...
12 March 2021 8,786 5 View
I have tried to download the 64-bit version of MGLtools however, as many times as I have downloaded and uninstall the programs, an error arises that the app needs to be updated. Thank you.
04 March 2021 6,632 2 View
Hi everyone, I am conducting research for my Master's thesis. I am using PROCESS by Johnson-Neyman to analyze my Moderator model. I test the relationship between Public Service Motivation and...
04 March 2021 2,910 2 View
So, I have been trying to run a pACYC PCR which will be used later on for a Gibson Assembly. However the PCR is not working. I have already tried gradient PCR and changing extension time; however...
03 March 2021 1,693 2 View
Dear Colleagues, After running Western blot on PVDF membrane and detection using ECL, I would like to stain my PVDF with colloidal gold to be able to allign the ECL image with total proteins on...
03 March 2021 8,244 3 View
I just wanted to check if I need to run a linear regression separately if I am using PROCESS MACRO to run mediation analysis. Thank you.
03 March 2021 4,932 3 View