An activity in which the body is propelled by moving the legs rapidly. Running is performed at a moderate to rapid pace and should be... | Contact experts in Running to get answers
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Questions related to Running
I would like to analyze gait cycles (running) - is there a smart way for cycle detection and calculation of the angles for each joint (average/maximum) for a certain amount of cycles - without...
08 December 2020 2,763 2 View
I used an 1,5% agarose gel for a second time and I loaded in the wells that I never used 15 microlitres of sample (constituted of 3 microlitres of bromophenol blue 6X, 6 microlitres of sample and...
08 December 2020 1,522 3 View
I've been using Revert700 total protein stain to detect total protein in my western lanes. While this stain is robust & reversible, I have trouble quantifying in Image Studio Lite (LiCor) and...
06 December 2020 9,223 3 View
It's generally recommended to use a different set of barcode when reusing flow cells due to issues of barcode carry over despite thorough washing of the flow cell when running another batch of...
06 December 2020 5,704 1 View
Hi everyone, I would like to run a Kruskal-Wallis test on a large sample with a likert scale. I am having difficulties figuring out how to process with the ''rank_avg'', and rank sum with such a...
06 December 2020 1,039 3 View
Hello together, I would like to perform the Granger Test with my panel data. I am investigating 40 banks and examining the impact of digitization on ROA. Specifically, I have the variable...
02 December 2020 3,909 5 View
Respected researchers, I conducted a SEM including 5 variables (two independent variables , two mediators, and a dependent variables), the correlations between these variables range vary from...
02 December 2020 1,532 5 View
I am doing a binary logistic regression , the outcome is dichotomous the answer is yes or no, I have several dependent variables some of them are dichotomous and others are categorical. When I run...
01 December 2020 9,001 4 View
I am looking to run illumina miseq data through dada2, but the limited identification of this gene means there are no pre-build databases. I have a database built in MOTHUR format, does anyone...
01 December 2020 8,404 3 View
I have faced a problem in using Xpert in Rietveld Analysis, I got the abovementioned message when trying to run Rietveld analysis. The cause of the problem is probably due to that the spectrum has...
29 November 2020 4,500 4 View
Dear all, I am working on data including two responses (count data, relatively correlated~R2=0.4, non-normal distribution, and violated the homogeneity of covariance) and three independent...
27 November 2020 872 3 View
I am looking for a reasonable GPU for a Mobile Workstation (Laptop) which can run most State-of-the-art neural networks for images (Computer Vision). Specifically, if anyone has some information...
25 November 2020 3,046 2 View
My data are consisted of 3 exogenous variables (TFIN, SR, and INF), and 1 endogenous variable (GDP). TFIN and INF are stationary at I(0), GDP is stationary at I(1), and SR is stationary at I(2). I...
23 November 2020 8,707 9 View
I am preparing to run a docking in AutoDock VINA through AutoDock tools GUI. Every time I select a macromolecule for the grid my python shell opens with an Index Error. >>> Exception in...
21 November 2020 8,690 2 View
I have two methods for doing Monte Carlo simulations. With both of them I have run serveral simulations and got the mean and variance of their results. I would like to determine whether both...
21 November 2020 5,879 5 View
In order to investigate if there are any differences on the proteins level between three larvae cultures grown on three different diets (Oat, polyethylene, Polystyrene, we are considering to...
20 November 2020 3,519 3 View
Dear all, As I have to perform eddy correction on many files, I would really like to speed up this process. Does anyone know a script to automatically run Eddy (from fsl) on multiple files?...
20 November 2020 384 3 View
Hi, I run CFAs with the lavaan package under R and I use the MLR estimator that fits the characteristics of my data. When I use the "summary(fit)" command, the fit indices for the MLR estimator...
19 November 2020 821 3 View
I'm trying to run a machine learning model on stm32l4r9 and NXP RT500 microcontroller. the MCU can not suppor Android or any other OS on a PC. Do I have to write machine learning frameworks in...
19 November 2020 9,942 3 View
I would like to run spin polarized calculation using quantum espresso. Is it important to add spin polarization in calculating the wavefunction cutoff, K point convergence and geometrical...
18 November 2020 7,942 2 View
I set up, run and calibrate SWAT model. I want to test BMPs scenarios for the next step, but I don't know how to do that. I have to prepare new input files or I can do on the ArcSWAT interface.
18 November 2020 7,043 3 View
Data with 40 eyes and 20 subjects. Plan to do a survival curve (KM curve). Question is how to cluster the eyes. I tried using the same ID for the same subjects. But the thing is, for few subjects...
18 November 2020 973 6 View
In order to discover the best evolutionary model and partitioning scheme for Bayesian analysis, I am trying to run the command line iqtree -s aln_seqs.fas -p aln_seqs.nex -m MF+MERGE -mset...
18 November 2020 6,632 2 View
Hi all, I'm running neural network simulations and using granger causality to compare the Granger drive from one population to another. Generally speaking I'm using a code to find the Akaike...
17 November 2020 1,071 3 View