I am currently modelling the sound propogation inside an acoustic domain of a car. The excitation is provided by an incident wave loading point at the front end of the car, near the dashboard. This incident wave is defined by a specifc amplitude and frequency input (150 Hz).

Now as per ABAQUS:

When one uses a direct steady state dynamic analysis, it is usually in response to a linear respone of vibration of a system in the frequency domain where abaqus carries out a frequency sweep from a starting frequency till an ending frequency. When I carry out this analysis from a range of 50Hz to 200 Hz, I get peaks in pressure only at the eigen values and not near my 150Hz applied frequency.

Now, when one use a Generel non-linear dynamics step in the time domain to model the same vibration, I get my frequency peaks at 150 Hz and no other frequencies within my defined range. I then get some peaks at value much greater than 200Hz but for now, I am focusing on my interval.

Why do I get such different respones in both analysis, when everything remains the same?

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