Pandemics are epidemics of infectious disease that have spread to many countries, often more than one continent, and usually affecting a large number of people.
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Questions related to Pandemics
Hi, I am planning to apply for the PhD degree in the Supply Chain Mgt. with specific area of "Cold Storage warehouses" during Pandemics and wars. Where lock downs and shut downs are frequent....
03 March 2021 714 2 View
The on-going Covid-19 pandemic has had devastating economic effects on many industries. However, few have suffered to the same extent as full-service restaurants. Numerous studies have shown that...
25 February 2021 9,918 4 View
Covid 19 Pandemic and digital transformation
23 February 2021 3,701 5 View
Good morning everyone, Due to the pandemic, I conducted several online surveys. It is quite agile, not at all expensive, but there are several problems: the sample's representativeness and its...
22 February 2021 7,821 3 View
The pandemic has led to depression and anxiety and its negative effects shouldn't be ignored. However, it has also led some people to become more resilient! What do you think? Thank you.
22 February 2021 5,180 19 View
Hello, I am preparing a semi-structured interview schedule for an interpretative phenomenological analysis study on marginalized individuals' career experiences as impacted by COVID-19. The aim...
20 February 2021 9,465 2 View
Dear colleagues We are exploring possible data collection methods for environment and behavior research in the context of architectural environments. Have you conducted any Post Occupancy...
17 February 2021 2,947 4 View
It is found that during the COVID-19 pandemic the human resources of institutes are affected in many ways. What are those?
17 February 2021 3,957 11 View
Ive started to design the survey with demographics, I have a list of pro-environmental and conservation behaviours which i plan to ask if they have changed since the pandemic. I think i'll use...
16 February 2021 4,524 3 View
Even after the coronavirus passes, digital solutions for banks will have an enduring relevance, as customer behaviours are expected to change coming out of this crisis toward the best, while banks...
13 February 2021 5,234 10 View
I'm working on a study of how selection criteria of Tourism have changed considering Pandemic + Vaccination expectation, so propose a new prediction behavioral dynamic model for Riviera Maya (Mexico).
10 February 2021 668 7 View
Dear friends! I am holding a research on teacher burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please answer my questions: 1. Country you come from 2. Years of working as a teacher 3. Have you experienced...
08 February 2021 8,615 10 View
The scope of emergency and disaster management systems should be redefined. Public transport and fleet management pandemics must be inclusive. Logistic management and Intelligent Logistic...
04 February 2021 3,449 2 View
Due to the pandemic of coronavirus, the most source that the people depend on was social media. There is no guaranteed solution that is biased from political opinion. An example of that the...
02 February 2021 7,968 3 View
Since with the pandemic it doesn't look like we are going back to the lab soon, in my lab we were looking for solutions to conduct remote webcam-based eye-tracking. I've been looking at...
01 February 2021 7,659 5 View
Due to the pandemic crisis, institutions opted for an unplanned online teaching for the safety of its students. While some believe that emergency remote teaching is as effective as other types of...
27 January 2021 8,746 21 View
The health and well-being of nurses are essential to the quality of care that they provide for people and communities. The Covid-19 pandemic has put them under unprecedented pressure. The impact...
27 January 2021 2,774 20 View
Conventionally, the perceived knowledge of flavor must be volatile substances in gas form. We have proved that retronasal could be formed perfectly by non-volatile or less volatile substances. We...
27 January 2021 4,824 3 View
Dear all, I started a project to study local natural resource management systems. One of the aims is to measure the readiness of indigenous peoples' institutions. I need some input and suggestions...
15 January 2021 2,589 6 View
provided that all the criteria for diagnosis has been fulfilled and alternative diagnosis are also ruled out. The patient has coagulopathy and transjugular biopsy wont be possible due to resource...
14 January 2021 9,221 4 View
The adoption of federalism in Iraq subsequent to 2005 and its practical application in legal context was the result of Iraqs transition from unitary state to a federal state.
12 January 2021 8,582 6 View
That vaccines have been produced in such a short time, makes me doubt if they will help fight this pandemic and if they will not do us more harm.
07 January 2021 3,783 19 View
I'm currently writing my thesis on general education teacher attitudes/behaviors when it comes to inclusion, specifically students with severe/intense needs. I was wondering if there were any...
05 January 2021 5,258 3 View
I am doing a research on modern technological applications in the hospitality industry in the South Asian context with a special reference to Sri Lanka. The application of these technological...
02 January 2021 201 2 View