Pandemics are epidemics of infectious disease that have spread to many countries, often more than one continent, and usually affecting a large number of people.
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Questions related to Pandemics
What does the term voice print refer to? Is it similar to footprints?
10 January 2019 6,710 17 View
I am currently working on a project and I need a scale to measure perception of change in institutionalized teenagers.
08 January 2019 5,513 0 View
I'm Portuguese and I want to do an academic specialization and research on human rights, specifically in what concerns to migrations and refugees. Furthermore I would like to develop...
03 January 2019 8,989 2 View
What should be done in order to see the rate of economic growth, taking Balance of payment (BOP) as a macro economic parameter. And also how the relationship between economic growth and BOP. What...
28 December 2018 8,985 6 View
The other day I was reading an old book and I found something in it that attracted very powerfully my attention. The book contained a bookmark on one side of which it had the inscription “how to...
25 December 2018 4,526 2 View
I am wondering if anyone knows how to interpret Cambridge Gambling Task result especially the result of risk-raking. Is there any interpretation table or any documents that can show, for example...
24 December 2018 2,862 1 View
Victims of social existence deserve more attention now more than ever. Concern for them has to be rightly established as an entire theoretical framework in itself, hence, the evolution of flipside...
16 December 2018 1,070 12 View
Which sampling method that used control environment in data collection (Quantitative). Because my research want to study the actual behavior (TPB). How to measure actual behavior in quantitative...
12 December 2018 6,357 0 View
Dear all, I'm using PLS structural equation modelling (with SmartPLS) to measure a socio-cognitive model. I'm still new to PLS-SEM. I need to add some demographic variables into the model. Since...
08 December 2018 4,919 1 View
So are you studying the causes related to its internal factors only or considering the macro-economic factors as well?
25 November 2018 5,058 2 View
Thematic areas • functioning of the organization implementing projects in difficult conditions of variability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, • the latest trends in project management or...
22 November 2018 4,132 5 View
Data have become increasingly more important for all types of professionals to scope, evaluate and maintain resilience projects around the globe. But how do resilience practitioners make informed...
12 November 2018 3,036 1 View
I'm doing a systematic review of social presence theory. I'm interested in unpacking the discourse on SPT and why researchers believe we need a unified definition. Why is it problematic that it's...
19 October 2018 10,016 2 View
Polythene banned by the Indian government at district level in the shops of small retailers is a good initiative, but is it possible to overcome plastic pollution by this until unless large...
13 October 2018 9,752 4 View
Dolutegravir an integrase strand transfer inhibitor drug used for treatment of HIV-1 is noted to significantly increase viral suppression in patient who previously were not suppressed. Patient...
08 October 2018 3,264 6 View
A bank of suspension adapted HEK293 cells grows fine out of thaw in shake flasks but slows to a stop when transitioned to 3L bioreactors. This same bank has successfully grown in the same reactors...
02 October 2018 3,689 6 View
A book project is titled: Handbook on Economic and Management Sciences Discipline and Pedagogy in the 21st Century: Practice-theory & research +
21 September 2018 8,800 3 View
I'm conducting research on the correlation between working memory and intelligence in college aged students. Can anyone help me find an intelligence test to use, and if so, tell me where to get a...
20 September 2018 8,480 3 View
I'd like to ask from my colleagues- the distinguished social science's researchers who are focused on studying the development of (formal & informal) institutions in terms of the geographical...
17 September 2018 7,971 8 View
The project proposed is a research-oriented and a purely academic one. The work is on water habitats- for calmer waters, ex: lakes, bay areas, creeks, etc. Considering the site context to be a...
12 September 2018 2,033 4 View
I'm looking for a few samples of grant applications proposing new antimicrobial compounds and/or therapies. My objective is to collect information on how to properly and thoroughly validate a...
10 August 2018 7,623 2 View
Has research in this area been done and is there an existing tool to measure this?
31 July 2018 9,546 1 View
Using theory of planned behavior
25 July 2018 197 3 View
Due to the mutation, the seeds I am going to use for EMS mutagenesis tend to float on the solution. Is there any detergents possibly I could use prevent the floating?
08 July 2018 8,416 3 View