The predominant publication type for articles and other items indexed for NLM databases. | Contact experts in Journal Articles to get answers
1,283 views 422 posts
Questions related to Journal Articles
Dear researchers, I want to put my SEM photos together to have a picture like the attached photos for my article. Could you please guide me what is the software that I can use? Regards
17 December 2019 4,311 12 View
When looking for journal articles about this topic, I have run into many studies that focus on the emotional differences between words when the speakers are bi/multilingual. My question is, do...
20 November 2019 7,764 4 View
I HAVE FEW QUESTIONS REGARDING ADAPTED QUESTIONNAIRE. IF ANYONE KNOWS ANY OF THEM, PLEASE ANSWER is it necessary to adapt from some journal's article? or we can adapt from thesis or review...
10 November 2019 6,475 6 View
I am writing a journal article on public-private partnership in space related projects. I need to some research question to research to write in my journal articles. Hope everyone provide some...
23 October 2019 1,358 3 View
I want to do content analysis of journals article for the same required to enter bibliometric details of articles and also references used in articles with bibliometric details there any...
18 October 2019 5,739 2 View
I am confused with what to include in my reports and how to report my results.
10 October 2019 860 3 View
Does review of literature in a journal article have to be comprehensive? Also, does it have to follow the standard format of conceptual Framework, theoretical Framework and empirical Framework?...
10 October 2019 7,792 9 View
10 October 2019 9,019 2 View
07 October 2019 951 12 View
Does anyone have more information on journal articles regarding this topic? I have found 3 studies with opposing conclusions. Ramos et al. (2016) and Singh et al. (2017) both suggest that...
18 September 2019 2,513 3 View
09 September 2019 6,647 3 View
Hi Colleagues, Please i would like to know if any of you can suggest a journal or article on employee motivation and operational performance?
08 August 2019 5,509 4 View
I have isolate bacteria from hot spring. Based on Gram staining, the isolates were found gram-negative and microscopic observation revealed spore-forming rod-shaped bacterium. I'm looking for...
08 August 2019 4,142 4 View
I am trying to publish a research work, there is a confusion when i look at the options. Which one is better? Scopus indexed proceeding (example :Q3) by Springer publisher or Journal article...
10 July 2019 9,919 3 View
07 July 2019 3,806 3 View
I found a problematic stream in my research field (International Management), but IM doesn't usually use extensive source criticism such as humanities would. Does anyone know some research that...
07 July 2019 9,889 1 View
I think that my memory must be really rusty regarding the order and correspondence between standardized coefficients (betas or beta weights) and their respective p values. I am looking at an...
07 July 2019 4,697 3 View
I'm interested to submit an Optics related research paper on Elsevier Journal. I'm looking for a list of Elsevier Journals those doesn't charge any publication Fee. Can anyone provide me a list of...
24 April 2019 8,667 24 View
As a recently published doctoral student, I have found it difficult to share my work with others as I am (obviously) unknown (yet, hopefully). I have used the standard social media route of...
08 April 2019 5,777 16 View
I'm looking for a journal article (last three years) for use with our graduate-level coaching students that discusses what is evidence-based coaching? Any suggestions?
04 April 2019 8,107 14 View
Dear colleagues, I'm looking for a journal article (last three years) for use with our graduate-level coaching students that discusses what is evidence-based coaching? Any suggestions?
04 April 2019 4,701 4 View
What is a scientific review article? How do you write a review article format? How do you write a scientific journal article? How do you write a good review paper? How do you write an introduction...
16 March 2019 543 5 View
Recently started using Mendeley: My colleague set up a folder via desktop app (1.19.3 for Win) of mainly journal articles. We first realized that a fair few references were lacking page numbers...
03 March 2019 6,313 3 View
I found an articles, titled " Fluoxetine in post-traumatic stress disorder." in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field. However, I am...
15 February 2019 1,090 10 View