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Questions related to Images
Hello beloveds. I am classifying dense deciduous trees with eCognition software. In fact, it is the separation of tree species with drone images. The image has a near infrared band, red, red...
30 December 2020 6,096 2 View
I am getting like as per in the image that i uploaded
30 December 2020 7,456 1 View
In the DSC conducted for A and B (image provided). B is a derivative of A. Can I conclude that the porosity of composite B is more than A, Since the heat flow is decreasing with increase in...
27 December 2020 9,333 3 View
how should i adjust image j to count these cells automatically not manually? i put one of my slide image in attached file.
26 December 2020 9,774 2 View
What is the main reason that most of the researcher uses ACM to encrypt the watermark? There is various other image encryption technique but for watermarking ACM technique is used?
25 December 2020 10,021 1 View
Hello, In fact, I just came into contact with the field of image classification with graph convolution network. In this direction , I only contact with ML-GCN and the improvement based on the...
23 December 2020 9,464 2 View
Please recommend the optimal optical component and its parameters. Thanks a lot
22 December 2020 7,869 3 View
I need the temperature profile (a quantitative dataset) of the flame under study. Is there any image processing tool a available which I can utilize for my study?
19 December 2020 3,008 2 View
I have to create a system that monitors the transmission loss of glass in different climates and environments, what do you think are the most used and cheapest methods (electronic, optical, and...
18 December 2020 10,053 2 View
Lately, I was doing tasks on image and PDF parsing. And I figured out that a lot of users are using modules like Camelot, OpenCV, or Tesseract OCR for that. The only problem is that modules...
17 December 2020 8,722 2 View
I want to carry out flow analysis of air through tachea (human airway). How can I draw it in a Solidworks after taking a CT Scan image?
15 December 2020 5,258 2 View
What I did (unpublished yet) is extract several (e.g. 16) mask features within Mask R-CNN from multiple images, construct a distance metric to compare them to predict the image class. Each set of...
14 December 2020 9,784 2 View
I am working on aerosol retrieval using a radiative transfer equation with Landsat 8 OLI, and I am having difficulty determining the raster-based path radiance. I am using the formula by Felix C....
12 December 2020 6,887 2 View
For image processing, I am using ImageJ. I need to separate the features from the background and calculate pixel intensity of features and background. Can anybody help me in this? Thanks
10 December 2020 7,670 9 View
I need Coronary Angiogram Images(CAI) publically available dataset. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a condition of the heart due to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of arteries...
08 December 2020 6,673 3 View
anyone have answer that how to create patches without required GT image of Hyperspectral image
08 December 2020 1,557 3 View
Hello to all, I am research scholar and pursuing Ph.D in the field of Compressive Sensing. I want to know , how to apply the OMP algo. for reconstructing the compressed image. Since i have done...
07 December 2020 8,165 6 View
Hello, I am looking for technique with codes where if we have been given any camera captured image it will binarize only the part which is in the focus of the camera and erase the part on the...
07 December 2020 2,872 3 View
Or can the Kalman filter be used for medical image processing ?
01 December 2020 2,256 3 View
I conducted the RFLP and electrophoresis experiment, and i analyzed the size of every band by image J. after i calculated the size of every band, i found the size of PCR product is 434 bp, and the...
30 November 2020 2,857 3 View
I have a 1D signal and I have done wavelet packet decomposition on it which is giving several sub-bands. Can I stack these sub-bands (one below other) to form a 2D matrix and hence an image...
28 November 2020 1,464 5 View
I have acquired the power spectrum density from turbulent data (plotting [m^2 s^2 Hz^-1] over [Hz]), using welch's method and am trying to translate this to an approximate eddy diameter. This is...
27 November 2020 8,264 2 View
Hi, I'm new to ImageJ software and I'm using it to quantify cell area (~50-80 cells per image). The area should be roughly 300-500 um^2 but when I quantify, the area comes out to 12-16 um^2. I...
23 November 2020 7,218 2 View
Hi everyone. I'm trying to write my 3rd year undergraduate dissertation and I want to analyze an ad campaign from a brand that launched 4 commercials that are less-than-two-minute to investigate...
21 November 2020 7,154 5 View