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Questions related to Images
Hello everyone, I am trying to extract peak coordinates from given clusters in an 3D fMRI group image, e.g. a thresholded ICA z-score map. Using MATLAB/SPM I am able to extract a single peak...
27 January 2021 8,101 2 View
i want to do thresholding by segregation of water areas from non water areas for that i am using model maker in ERDAS but i am unable to get the threshold limit value of my image.
27 January 2021 8,467 1 View
geometric correction is needed for my image and a refrenced image is needed for it.So how to get the refrenced image and what are the requirements of refrenced image....??
27 January 2021 4,774 1 View
I’m looking for options to improve images taken from In-Cell Analyzer 2000, using 384 well plates. It seems even when I try to autofocus almost every well, the machine still takes images that...
26 January 2021 405 2 View
I am working on an image classification competition for an internship. Dataset images are segmented buildings pasted on black background. The task is to guess if the top is made of concrete,...
25 January 2021 9,417 10 View
Can anyone provide any insight as to why my Tris/Gly SDS-Gels are polymerizing slowly? This especially applies to my stacking gel (image attached) both 4% and 6%. The stacking gel wells polymerize...
25 January 2021 4,037 4 View
Hello and have a good time When running the SWAT model, I encounter the following image error. Is there anyone who can help me solve this problem?
19 January 2021 6,505 3 View
I am seeing non-motile black dots of almost equal size along the periphery of skin melanoma cell line A375. They are present in almost all the cells. They don't turn the media turbid. However...
19 January 2021 5,377 1 View
We are developing a test for ad-hoc (ad-hoc) and scalar implicatures (SI) and are showing 3 images (of similar nature) to the participants: image, image with 1 item, image with 2 items. E.g....
18 January 2021 9,489 2 View
I'm analyzing Madis products (MCD64A1), when I finish my analysis, I have a 2400X2400 matrix that I want to draw, but since the original image was in sine design, when using From imagesc, draws...
15 January 2021 6,782 2 View
This question in the relation to calculating the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal correlation of a cipher image in an encryption algorithm. I have read that the correlation values should be as...
14 January 2021 1,547 4 View
Hello I'm using image registration over the bands of the micasense red-edge camera. Using RedEdge band as the fixed image. After removing inliers I can notice that inliers of the NIR band are...
14 January 2021 4,180 2 View
I need many pest images to support my pest auto-classification subject, and I appreciate it for any useful information.
14 January 2021 2,047 6 View
I wanna to do the registration of a 4D file of fMRI modality ( I used feat from fsl brain but it doesn't transform data to standard space) so if someone know a method that can generate a 4D...
14 January 2021 5,684 2 View
Greetings, I have a bit of problem in setup the basis set of my DFT study for ZnO.. As you can see in the image attached below, I use B3LYP 6-31G (d,p) for geometrical opt. of ZnO.. But sadly, I...
14 January 2021 7,749 4 View
The image is basically a grayscale image having pixel intensities in the range 0-226. I have done image processing by converting this gray scale image into binary image using OTSU algorithm and...
11 January 2021 3,037 7 View
I have computed line Wise IMF from the fringe data using empirical mode decomposition (EMD). For each line Segment I have more than five IMF sets but i am not able to understand that how to...
11 January 2021 5,268 1 View
I am using 3D Arnold transform for my EC-ElGamal encryption technique but it consumes a lot of time during the execution of the program using Python. So I was wondering if there are BETTER ideas...
08 January 2021 395 2 View
I have a nanofiber scaffold for tissue engineering. When I did the electrical conductivity test, the ohmmeter reports a wide range of values (from 300 kOhm to 20 MOhm). I placed the scaffold...
07 January 2021 2,396 1 View
Hello every one, Does anybody know how we can practically obtain the covariance function C(X,h) of a binary image? Best regards, Pedram
06 January 2021 8,845 3 View
I want to add the picture of my simulated structure into word but I don't know how to export the image from cst? is there any way? Thank you so much
06 January 2021 7,238 4 View
I implemented an image classifier and object detection model. I added a new class every day to my model and the data set growing too. I wanted to ask if anyone has the same experience? at now it...
04 January 2021 4,835 5 View
Please look at the image. It is showing DPPH free radical scavenging activity of something... According to the image, what would be the IC50 value of Ascorbic acid used as a standard for that...
02 January 2021 7,078 4 View
ADS (Advanced Design System) software
31 December 2020 6,113 1 View