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Questions related to Images
I'm trying to understand how to determine relationship between reflectivity in SAR images and dieletric constant of oil spill offshore registred in image.
18 August 2020 2,269 2 View
i simulated the steel box as you see in image, i wana plot pressure-time history (blast pressure) for one element of the box, how can i do that?
18 August 2020 5,857 1 View
Hi, I'm working on image classification using very-high-resolution image. As titled, the classification accuracy of SVM linear kernel is similar to RF. The classification used four image...
17 August 2020 1,931 11 View
Hi I'm trying to make a python script to get MTF curve for the input image Here is my algorithm to get MTF. 1. get Image 2. select ROI(High contrast region) 3. extract a center line out of image...
16 August 2020 6,892 3 View
hi, I have used FV3000(Olympus) to scan the mouse brain slices and I am trying to find the best step size of Z section to get a good quality of image as well as save time. I tried to used the...
15 August 2020 5,661 3 View
I intend to assess deforestation and forest degradation for a study area? 1. Do i need to perform or convert DN to radiance to reflectance and use its resulting image for Land use/land cover...
13 August 2020 5,192 1 View
I have to write a research paper on eWOM and brand image in restaurants, what questionnaire I can use? and from where? Can I use the same questionnaire for the ewom and brand image for online...
13 August 2020 9,504 3 View
Hi everybody. I have already created two different Analyze Particles image results (with a previous thresholding process for each one) from the same primary image, with their respective area...
12 August 2020 9,654 2 View
Hi computational photography and vision researchers, I've been interested in this category of problems in a specific setting and I'd like to have a sense of the broader fields with relevance. Is...
11 August 2020 6,631 4 View
As a speckle free calibration reference in my rear projection measurements, i projected speckle free light source on to the intermediate screen and captured the image via monochrome cmos...
11 August 2020 5,845 4 View
I am trying to build a joint classifier for Bimodal Sentiment Analysis which takes two modalities(audio and video files) as inputs. Any suggestions, how can I concatenate the below audio and video...
07 August 2020 972 2 View
I am currently running chromogenic staining of GFAP+ cells (a marker for astrocytes/glia) in rat brain tissue. Our lab has traditionally used Image J for IHC image analysis. Since cell counts are...
07 August 2020 6,362 3 View
I suspect contamination with mycoplasma and fixed the cells with 4%PFA and stained them with Dapi. This is the image I got, I usually don't get any of those small rounded dapi foci outside the...
07 August 2020 6,562 1 View
Hi, I've received a TIF file comprising 20 images (yes, 20 images compiled in one TIF file).. I can view the 20 images with windows photo viewer but I can't save the image I want.. Please help me....
07 August 2020 5,240 3 View
The edge detection algorithms are designed to respond to sharp edges which can be caused by noisy pixels. In image analysis edge detection plays an important role and it is one of the traditional...
06 August 2020 2,726 1 View
I want to predict valuation using verbal SAS but there exists a strong nonlinearity between the two variables which makes unfit to use linear regression. Please see the attached scatter plot image...
06 August 2020 1,752 3 View
We have multiple CT-scans in the format of TIF image stacks. To get the mean curvature we first transform the stack to a triangular mesh (using Marching Cubes). To make the triangles in this mesh...
04 August 2020 8,176 4 View
In the image , I have to remove the background from the image and detect the object. I used canny edge detection for detecting edges and than finding contours and than draw contours on a masked...
01 August 2020 2,553 2 View
Hello all together, when I study microfluidic paper-based to detemination of nitrite, coffer-ring effect is my problem but I don't know how to do that to stop. I have attached the image...
31 July 2020 3,356 2 View
Hello, I did a transformation a few weeks ago and while only a few bacteria grew, I was able to pick single colonies for a liquid culture. However, I had to repeat this experiment because...
29 July 2020 465 6 View
to detect and segment breast lesion for breast cancer in ultrasonic breast imgae
28 July 2020 8,507 3 View
I'm working on image encryption using AES algorithm in MATLAB (128 bits, works by processing blocks of 16 bytes, pure implementation), I'm having some difficulties like making a loup that takes...
28 July 2020 4,380 2 View
Landsat 8 image name provides details of the date and path number, etc. Can anyone please provide similar interpretation of Sentinel 2 MSI details from this name? I can see the date, But path/...
28 July 2020 6,739 2 View
28 July 2020 3,165 3 View