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Questions related to Images
I'm working with a RVL-CDIP dataset( with 16 classes labelled at image level (a large collection of documents, ranging from ads to scientific articles)....
17 March 2021 2,632 2 View
What is interference in the image? how it is introduce in the image?
16 March 2021 7,879 2 View
I am looking for help to build an encryption algorithm using Lorenz and Henon chaotic system, though I came across a few research articles concerning Lorenz chaotic system and Henon chaotic...
15 March 2021 9,341 1 View
Collecting and publishing medical image datasets is an important task contributing the development of CAD systems for different diseases, but What kind of problem can we face after publishing it....
15 March 2021 6,470 2 View
Hi RG, One of the challenges in medical image analysis is working with unpaired images. How we can generate these images using deep learning models? and How we can generate a set of paired images...
14 March 2021 9,619 3 View
I am trying to replicate the mesh shown on my model in ansys workbench. This mesh is known as CD310 in Abaqus and uses 10 node quadratic tetrahedral elements with 4 integration points. I have tied...
13 March 2021 1,319 3 View
Applying a force to this simple indentation force results in unrealistic distortion and overlapping (see image). I have tried different ways suggested in other threads closing gaps between...
12 March 2021 8,052 7 View
What's the best way to identify geometric patterns or patch shapes on satellite images or processed map products? For example, to identify whether a tile contains NDVI or pseudocolour values that...
12 March 2021 5,195 3 View
I have been consistently getting very high RFU values at the beginning of most of my qPCR runs. The RFU then drops off over the first 10-15 cycles and then increases as the thing I am amplifying...
11 March 2021 4,772 1 View
Dear Community, I am working on a publication about art and science and I would like to know if you know scientists who focus their research on forms of representation, like Semir Zekis for...
11 March 2021 3,600 4 View
I am trying to make a panoramic image but my input images have motion and lens focus blur, if I apply some deblurring technique before images stitching, will this improve my final panorama quality.
10 March 2021 5,556 1 View
SEM micrographs for my samples contain scale bars as shown in the attached images. The horizontal scale bar has 2 vertical ends. When measuring the scale bar length using ImageJ, should it be...
10 March 2021 1,368 4 View
I have ran the Genetic algorithm code with an ITAE cost function at time step 1e-06. The gapidbook matlab m file presents the Ga command itself along with defining parameters such as population...
08 March 2021 2,151 3 View
How can image processing be done by using a USB camera connected to raspberry pi 3 to acquire the image from the surrounding and compare it with a database of images stored in the raspberry pi 3...
06 March 2021 2,917 2 View
Dear all, I've been working with the bone marrow-derived macrophages for a long time and now I am trying to culture the mouse macrophage cell line, the Raw264.7 cell line. I used the Gibco DMEM,...
05 March 2021 7,443 2 View
Hope you all doing well. I want your kind help and favor in the interpretation of my AFM results. (in detail) Actually im new to this technique and i don't know exactly about the interpretation....
05 March 2021 3,454 6 View
Need to image mesoporous silica nanoparticles using the TEM. Also, need high resolution TEM images to see the mesoporous structure. Kindly suggest what kind of grids to use. Thanks, Shatadru
03 March 2021 2,225 2 View
I would like to research on MR images (0.5T and 3T). Can you please suggest some websites that I can download dataset including both 0.5T and 3T MR images? Thank you.
03 March 2021 8,297 3 View
Hello, I have classified 10 S3 OLCI images from the same area (althouth not the same size and/or quadrant) and I would like to do a final image using the mode of the pixel of these 10 images. I...
02 March 2021 10,277 3 View
Hi everyone, I am using Fiji to determine the percentage of the image covered by leaves, branches, or trunk, but i've encountered some difficulty when the sun hits parts of my image like the one...
28 February 2021 1,505 3 View
Hello. I have a problem with the charting in google earth engine. I created an image collection by combining 5 image collections of five parameters and using ee.Join.inner ( ) and .apply ( )...
27 February 2021 7,453 2 View
Hi, We culture neural progenitor cells in T175 culture flasks coated with PLO-Laminin. We have successfully grown these cells with our protocol for months. Recently, we observed large sheets...
26 February 2021 3,819 4 View
I am trying to calculate the theoretical density of my ceramics materials. I use the formula below to calculate the theoretical density: Theoretical density = (Molecular weight x No. of molecules...
25 February 2021 4,211 2 View
I want to work on medical image(disease) detection and classification. Where can I found Image data sets?
25 February 2021 3,436 3 View