The state of the organism when it functions optimally without evidence of disease. | Contact experts in Health to get answers
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Questions related to Health
Does biodiversity increase in primary succession and relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem resilience?
30 October 2023 2,780 3 View
Can someone direct me to a working link to download the Century model for SOC? The link in the Colorado State University site below doesn't seem to...
28 July 2022 2,279 3 View
For my thesis I plan to extend or adjust a technology acceptance model concerning smarthealth technologies (consumer oriented like smartwatches and such). I want to test if covid-19 has effects...
13 January 2021 624 3 View
The distribution of daily PM2.5 concentration (hourly) is bimodal in the city of Coyhaique (South of Chile). Coyhaique is the city more polluted by particulate matter accord the WHO. The major...
12 October 2020 2,197 3 View
It is common in qualitative research to interview for example patients and their partners or their health professionals to talk about the same topic and explore the perspectives of all the people...
31 July 2020 675 21 View
Are health workers at risk from a novel coronavirus? Yes, they can be, as health care workers come into contact with patients more often than the general public WHO recommends that health care...
28 July 2020 1,182 97 View
Good feeding and health are the important components for welfare assessment of migratory goats. But which components should be given more emphasis if you have to scored them out of 100 points?
22 July 2020 6,396 3 View
Too much focus on pandemic containment has sidelined other dimensions of health like reproductive/sexual health, adolescent health, mental health, geriatric health etc. Are we heading on right...
21 July 2020 3,052 3 View
Does anybody knows if there is a reference style in Mendeley for "Games for Health Journal" ISSN 21617856, 2161783X?
10 July 2020 8,345 1 View
The continued spread of COVID-19 across the globe is worrying. Especially in Africa specifically Ghana the reported cases keep increasing. In Ghana, on-going voter registration exercise and...
03 July 2020 9,384 4 View
The four Ts by health workers like - Tracing, Tracking, Testing and Treating are seen to be the most indispensable and most effective tools to deal with Corona in the present situation? Are...
02 July 2020 8,681 5 View
Key findings of World Vision: As many as 30 million children’s lives are in danger from secondary health impacts: • 26 million+ children at greater risk of being exposed to other deadly diseases...
02 July 2020 5,068 3 View
We are currently working on a project on health promotion of employees in the home care sector. To asess the current burden of this specific group, we would like to measure the degree of workplace...
30 June 2020 7,868 2 View
I have a data set for a railway wagon: It consists of 9 measurement parameters per wheel (hollow wear, flange thickness, etc) and there are 8 wheels on a wagon. I need to work out a health index...
24 June 2020 961 11 View
If a healthy person comes in contact with covid positive patient with severe health conditions , is there a chance that the latter person may experience same amount of severity and similar health...
18 June 2020 3,194 5 View
The air flow from hot to cool creates condensation that leads to potential health hazards from pathogens trapped in the inner working of an HVAC system. UV and Plasma Air Technology both go after...
17 June 2020 3,711 9 View
I am looking to use meta-ethnography and meta-analysis in qualitative health studies, but am doing quantitative studies as well, and am wondering if it would be useful for both.
14 June 2020 3,993 3 View
Although life has gradually returned to normal, many people are still concerned about the use of public transportation and aircraft. Are public transport and airplanes really the biggest means of...
03 June 2020 2,898 65 View
Do you believe in spontaneous recovery, by reviewing previous viruses such as the Saris virus, the Middle East Syndrome virus and the Ebola virus, we find that these viruses have reached their...
02 June 2020 3,458 65 View
COVID-19 pandemic has shown big social inequalities in countries with private health-care systems. Governments must pay greater attention to the right to health, that every human being must have,...
01 June 2020 7,493 23 View
Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation forced us to stay at home for our protection. Some people have habit of morning walk , evening walk and exercise in Jim. That is fine. But, we can not go...
25 May 2020 2,365 22 View
In more developed countries, Blacks, Asians and other minority ethnic groups have been found to suffer more severe COVID-19 infections than other ethnic groups. Some have postulated that this is...
25 May 2020 9,958 25 View
can excess chlorination of drinking water have long term harmful effects on our health: digestive problems...
20 May 2020 5,074 11 View
Consumption of tea and coffee without milk is considered beneficial for our health. Can you please explain the reasons behind it? what can be other methods for improving sensory characteristics...
15 May 2020 6,223 23 View