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Questions related to Force
Hi, I need to do analysis on cantilever beam of piezoelectric material. Apply force or excitation on free end and want to find out voltage. I want to do it in ansys work bench. Please let me...
22 January 2021 2,430 3 View
I want to determine through simulation in COMSOL the displacements due to applied forces. The sensor has 4 bottom and 4 top electrodes that do not complete align along with a bump on top which...
22 January 2021 7,110 3 View
Hi I have force vs time graph and Pulling com positions vs time graphs and got from SMD simulations in gromacs the pulling velocity I am using is constant at 0.01 and the force constant was 1000...
17 January 2021 9,369 5 View
This is a boundary control problem of a hybrid ODE-PDE system. The system consists of an actuator, a flexible link fixed to the actuator, and a tip mass at the free end of the link. In most...
14 January 2021 8,342 2 View
I am using Al6061 sheet with 1.2mm thickness. What will be the safe force for it?
11 January 2021 3,576 0 View
We are considering a wave function in spherical coordinates which is null between r=0 and r=a and between r=b and r=infinity. 0
11 January 2021 6,525 1 View
Given that the stress is equal to the force divided by the area(width*thickness), what change does the reduction in sample width make to the stress-strain curve? Does stress change occur...
10 January 2021 5,446 5 View
I need to prepare Sodium tert-butoxide from the reaction of sodium hydride with tert-butyl alcohol and then dry at 10"5 Torr. Could you please help me with step by step procedure.
08 January 2021 1,480 4 View
to depict the load-displacement curve
06 January 2021 3,717 3 View
During parameter study for a project (signal processing applied in mechanical vibration), when I decrease the frequency to a very low value (less than 200 mHz, for a interested range of frequency...
05 January 2021 6,120 8 View
Any person who can help me in simulation of a Prestress Force Monitoring for PSC Beam using ansys fem package.
02 January 2021 2,899 2 View
1)I know that DE Broglie Hypothesis is based on the symmetry of nature. If the light has dual behaviour, then matter also has dual behaviour(wave and particle both). So, I used this symmetry to...
30 December 2020 8,799 3 View
An analogue voltage sine wave signal is send from a PLC to a Piezo actuator. This actuator converts the voltage to force. A load cell checks what the applied force is and sends a mA-signal...
28 December 2020 7,327 3 View
Dear All, I am new to DFT calculation, and I am using VASP. In a lot of my jobs, the forces are already smaller than the EDIFFG tag that I set in the INCAR, but, the jobs won't stop!!! The jobs...
27 December 2020 1,563 6 View
I am using force field ff02 and water model POL3. I am having difficulty in minimizing the system. In the Minimization output file after 100 steps of minimization EPOLAR = ************ EEL =...
18 December 2020 606 3 View
Hello everyone !!!! I am modeling a cold formed steel profile in the ABAQUS program. I need to insert a non-uniform load into the structure section. Skew bending moments are applied at the two...
15 December 2020 7,385 2 View
Hi, everyone! I am currently studying molecules with fluorescent properties which strongly depend on the viscosity of the medium it is dissolved (fluorescent viscosity sensors). I have calculated...
15 December 2020 2,477 2 View
Hello, I'm working on dry bone histology. I'm taking a 1x1cm bone block from femur and i'm having troubleshooting during preparation and the result is that the bone is not sufficient transparent...
14 December 2020 3,793 11 View
What kind of equipment is used to determine appearance of polarizers’ substrate (surface defects/scratch and digs/flatness/parallelism)? What are the settings used on this equipment during...
11 December 2020 2,605 2 View
Is it even worth it using that site? Views are rare, the site malfunctions, is slow. Besides, their artificial "intelligence" algorithms get me wrong all the time, suggesting me lots of papers...
10 December 2020 7,560 6 View
Gravity and rotation are perpendicular to each other.
10 December 2020 4,964 0 View
Greetings is there any empirical relation between the relaxation time (taken as the inverse of the frequency at crossover) and the molecular weight drop in thermal degradation study of...
08 December 2020 9,346 3 View
I want to simulate a needle movement in water and I want to know how can I estimate meniscus force on the needle in FLUENT.
07 December 2020 10,054 1 View
If a lift is falling freely with "g", the person inside will be experiencing or feeling No force, and he becomes weightless, means force of gravity is constantly acting and producing "g", but the...
07 December 2020 7,023 1 View