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Questions related to Force
I am learning the knowledge about barge pier collision these days, and have a problem that the impact force of barge pier collision suddenly increase to the peak value in ls-dyna. But the...
06 December 2020 10,281 3 View
i am designing an aircraft with no vertical stabilizer...i will use thrust differential on two wing mounted engines to provide yawing motion. However, i am concerned about a single engine failure...
06 December 2020 232 4 View
Mechanical impedance is a measure of how much a structure resists motion when subjected to a harmonic force. It relates forces with velocities acting on a mechanical system. At resonant...
04 December 2020 4,038 3 View
For the RANS/LES hybrid turbulence model, is it possible to theoretically determine the distribution of grid nodes, including the RANS part near the wall and the respective grids of the LES part...
04 December 2020 2,328 4 View
Hi, I want to know the point group of my molecule "adenine-thymine" , it is composed by 2 molecules ( thymine and adenine) and both of them belong to Cs point group. What can i do ?? help please.
03 December 2020 7,372 3 View
I have several PLLA electrospun nanofibers with different crystallinity degrees and also different crystalline phases and I am measuring the adhesion force by AFM-based techniques. I wonder if we...
29 November 2020 3,576 5 View
Suppose a fluid is moving in the positive x direction and a particle immersed in that fluid is also moving in the same direction as that of the fluid, then what is the direction of drag force?
24 November 2020 6,642 4 View
I am doing some simulations of drilling carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) with Abaqus/Explicit. 3D Hashin's damage model with damage evolution has been defined for the CFRP composite. The...
21 November 2020 7,031 1 View
Hello I'm trying to model a reinforced concrete frame in Abaqus using CDPM for concrete material. I have entered damage parameters as well. Longitudunal rebars were modelled as 3D solid elements....
18 November 2020 5,812 10 View
Reasons why thrust force, temperature and surface roughness increase with feed rate in Machining?
18 November 2020 1,174 4 View
I want to apply different forces for every node. These force values are saved in .txt or .csv file. Can anybody help me to do that using APDL command. I attached Ansys input file for my model and...
16 November 2020 3,169 1 View
I have used a Pin-on-disc tribometer to find the friction coefficient. However, now I am getting feedback from some seniors that I need to get a friction coefficient from orthogonal milling. There...
16 November 2020 8,383 9 View
I'm currently doing the simulation of a tensile test in COMSOL for my Master thesis. The idea is to compare those results with the results I'll get from the laboratory doing a real tensile test....
12 November 2020 5,097 10 View
I have never conducted a meta analysis before, so I was wondering how to approach it. Let's say I wanted to look a how a specific metric has evolved over the past 20 years, for example the...
09 November 2020 8,908 2 View
We would like to use a Dimethyl polysiloxane dispersing medium in the Malvern 3000 Hydro MV sample preparation. During use, we find that the background is very difficult to adjust and the bubbles...
09 November 2020 2,853 8 View
Based on Discrete Dislocation Plasticity (DDP) from Superposition principle. 1. Whether the free surface image stress of a SINGLE dislocation is the finite element (FE) solution of the...
08 November 2020 5,177 0 View
I am using Oxford Instruments AFM for measuring Lateral Forces. My recorded data are mainly friction loop curves in ".ibw" format. Is it possible to use free software to open these recorded...
01 November 2020 688 3 View
Hi everyone, I need help to build a forced choice task in Qualtrics. What I want is (quite) simple : I have a list of 50 easy activities and a list of 50 difficult activities. For each trial, my...
28 October 2020 5,645 2 View
I am working on the 2D discrete dislocation plasticity (DDP) and writing code based on the superposition principle . However, I am very confused that :1. Does the dislocation source consider...
25 October 2020 7,943 0 View
Has anyone implemented the new Morris Method by Campolongo and Braddock in 1999 (Reliability Engineering and Systems vol 64, pg 1-12)? This is a different approach to the conventional Morris...
21 October 2020 2,916 2 View
In one analysis major role of mutation pressure was observed in codon usage bias of some species
20 October 2020 5,031 1 View
I am working on a transient structural analysis in Ansys Mechanical. I want to export the Nodal reaction force vectors for selected nodes of a part at all the time steps. Basically, I need a force...
19 October 2020 10,130 3 View
Hello everyone. I have a question about microfluidic-based methods. In this article, "Microflidic-Based Approaches in Targeted Cell/ParticleSeparation Based on Physical Properties: Fundamentalsand...
16 October 2020 9,340 5 View
After buckling analysis of a lipped channel section how to get maximum force value?
16 October 2020 5,444 1 View