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Questions related to Devices
Currently, I am studying the working of OLED devices! The device can work with just three layers which are Anode, Cathode and Emission layers. I know the fact that the work function is an...
12 January 2022 7,884 3 View
How meshing can improve the current in the device? Where to define dense meshing and where to define light meshing?
09 January 2022 6,246 1 View
I research gas sensors based on metal oxide semiconductors. I need the gas sensor element without gas-sensing materials to deposit materials synthesized by our team to fabricate the device.
09 January 2022 379 3 View
Hello everyone, I'd like to design a device which brings the natural sun light into the plastic optical fiber, does anyone know in which way it can have the max coupling efficiency, ball...
07 January 2022 3,426 3 View
We are working on funded research on conductive polymer composites, specifically on conductive ink.Does anyone has the equipment that is appropriate to run the analysis for CTE properties of this...
04 January 2022 7,522 0 View
Does anyone have any suggestions of hand-held devices that accurately measure moon brightness? I'm having trouble finding a light meter that detects low light well enough. Please supply a link for...
31 December 2021 2,032 3 View
Anybody working in MATLAB environment? det([1 2; 3 6]) should be a clear ZERO but MATLAB is giving a non-ZERO value for it and this is happening with many more such matrices! Can someone suggest...
29 December 2021 9,441 3 View
I am currently working on microsupercapacitors for portable devices. I am wondering how do we obtain the time constant of the same? What experiment needs to be conducted for obtaining the...
28 December 2021 4,922 4 View
If a GPS tracking device is placed on animal, I assume it will more or less affect the movement of the individual. So, is there a way the animal can get rid of the device by itself or everytime...
24 December 2021 335 4 View
The electrophoretic Deposition Process is the simplest way to fabricate films on the different substrates from the solutions of Nanomaterials. I am trying to get a proper film of MXenes on...
23 December 2021 2,739 4 View
Hello dear engineers. I designed a coaxial adapter for X-band waveguides. Now I want help to test and tune with the network analyzer device. How should I test it? If you know a reference, please...
12 December 2021 1,912 13 View
I have synthesized Sb incorporated GeSe ternary alloys. The proportion of Sb varies as 10% and 15% by weight proportion. In 15% Sb incorporated GeSe, I am getting direct bandgap to be 0.94eV and...
09 December 2021 9,005 0 View
Hi I have attached the link to article and the table from the article with this question, I wanted to know how the value of 0.7 s-1 is calculated from the slope and intercept values using the bell...
02 December 2021 9,057 1 View
Hello all: When I am simulating a SiC BJT device, I find that the gain of it is unreasonably high, at about 2000. I tried to adjust some physics, but it is still very high gain....
02 December 2021 1,235 2 View
In Magneto optic kerr effect(MOKE),polarised light passes through PEM first before incident on the sample or sometimes PEM is used at place ahead of sample and similar case is with the retardation...
26 November 2021 2,645 0 View
I am doing the TCAD simulation of MOSFET devices. In such devices, an electrical dipole layer exists at the oxide/silicon interface. I was wondering if anyone would tell me how to set this dipole...
24 November 2021 8,373 3 View
I want to make a decision making device by nearby active bluetooth devices using HC-05 bluetooth module with arduino nano but I stucked at programming algorithm to find active devices. It is...
24 November 2021 7,594 4 View
Currently, in my country, tachographs are installed only on vehicles carrying out international traffic (AETR agreement). When transporting inside the country, no devices are used to monitor the...
17 November 2021 6,267 1 View
I am modeling Graphene based devices with CST and MATLAB. My main simulations are related to wave absorbing by the structure but I need to know regarding thermal effects due to absorption. How I...
31 October 2021 1,830 4 View
Is there a blood flow test setup that can measure the amount of blood a CPR device delivers from the heart to vital organs during compression?
31 October 2021 7,833 3 View
Despite being the tool of surging interest in recent years, there is a huge gap between lab experimentation regarding electrospinning and its industrial impact, because of the obstacles...
30 October 2021 1,991 0 View
In order to calculate trans-membrane pressure(TMP) of a dead-end ultrafiltration unit, how do we measure pressures at inlet and outlet?
26 October 2021 3,486 3 View
Hi, I would like to gain more insights on HEMT figures of merit (cutoff frequency f_T, maximum oscillation frequency f_max, breakdown voltage BV, on-resistance R_on, maximum drain current I_dmax)...
17 October 2021 8,161 1 View
I am designing a novel type of power system capacitor, and a colleague suggested I investigate what effect the induced magnetic fields would have on the device. The device is like an old airgap...
15 October 2021 2,056 3 View