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Questions related to Conferences
Good day, I just to want whether the above conference is a fake or not Regards
18 September 2020 4,060 7 View
"To avoid initiating the charging process at a discharged battery voltage that may be considerably below the arrays maximum power point voltage, using a Maximum Power Point Tracker purports to...
15 September 2020 1,080 3 View
For sure journal publications have more weight than conference publications but i am asking about your preference. For example i like conferences a lot because i like to meet people and explore...
07 September 2020 7,798 42 View
Hey, In a conference I attended, someone presented a CAS9 system that does not create a DSB in the classical location but rather further downstream than classical NGG adjacent location. I forgot...
26 August 2020 5,721 1 View
In June 1995, the culmination of some 3 years or so of preparation, led by professor Dr. Jim Yao, Texas A&M, resulted in an "ASCE Education Conference" in Denver, CO. At the end of that...
13 August 2020 1,278 3 View
During this pandemic caused by COVID_19 there has been a trend in the academics also due to the modernization by attending online Webinars and even some international conferences are being...
10 August 2020 529 17 View
We have a research farm, where 6 tube wells ( one 15 hp, two 10 hp and three 5 hp capacity) are installed and these are interconnected too through GI irrigation pipe network. There are 72 outlets...
20 June 2020 3,706 0 View
I recently attended a conference, after which a summary report was published. The report summarizes each panelist's presentation (mine included), and the editor contacted each panelist after the...
15 June 2020 376 6 View
What is the scientific sides to this conferences?
10 June 2020 8,166 1 View
I'm analysing a dataset from a field survey designed to test how tw types of marine protected areas affect species composition of marine seagrasses, and now struggle how to properly deal with the...
04 June 2020 4,319 0 View
In my view, the university professor should participate in at least two international conferences during the year to see what is new
24 May 2020 8,644 3 View
Hi, My research project had numerous results and because the conference paper is usually just 5-6 pages long, I could not discuss all my results in it. However, is it still possible to mention...
05 May 2020 688 5 View
I have used bbb in online teaching and Zoon in online conference. I would like you to share your experience with me if you have used any of them. Please share any technical problems.
24 April 2020 1,799 19 View
What is the best video conference application (Zoom, Team, Google classroom, ... etc) in terms of security?
03 April 2020 9,022 70 View
More and more events are postponed or go online/virtual. But a conference is a place of meeting and sharing ideea. Can an online conference replace a clasic conference sesion? Publishing can be...
01 April 2020 4,761 3 View
I am trying to simulate the folowing atached paper"Multiport Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Interfacing Battery and Supercapacitor For Hybrid Energy Storage Application",by K.Shreelekha...
25 March 2020 3,157 1 View
Dear All; i have a question: if i submit an abstract to different conferences but with two different audience. in the two conference i made a presentation only with slightly different content to...
25 March 2020 2,445 7 View
I have uploaded a conference paper named A Predictive Analysis of the Indian Oil and Gas Sector Using Time Series Decomposition-Based Approach in research gate. As i don't have any DOI number for...
18 March 2020 4,033 3 View
One of the main benefits of scientific conferences is contacting other researchers and participating in discussions with them. Online participation makes it possible for more researchers to...
16 March 2020 6,332 8 View
Suggest All, If any travel grand available for an independent researcher to present in conference i.e. American Society for Microbiology (ASM), USA
05 March 2020 5,733 2 View
Hi all, I do realize that this question title might sound confusing. I want to publish my research article into a machine learning journal/ conference that has a good amount of previous articles...
03 March 2020 3,692 3 View
Hi. Can anyone could recommend an aeronautical / aviation conferences to attend in 2020 in Europe; particularly for fluid mechanics and applied aerodynamics. Thanks!
25 February 2020 8,405 3 View
Other researchers with specific knowledge, experience and/or interest in cruise guest behaviour (spending)? Best regards, Lars Falk
25 February 2020 8,597 1 View
Conferences about agriculture, horticulture, tissue culture of apple.
21 February 2020 8,291 8 View