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Questions related to Computer
I am doing a meta analysis of imaging exploratory studies which themselves did not have effect size. Therefore, I am unable to compute the variability in the effect sizes in my meta analysis. What...
19 January 2021 5,044 4 View
Hi there. Does anyone know how to determine the uncertainty of a calibration that exhibits a quadratic curve? Unfortunately i cannot find good information online and the Guide to the Expression of...
15 January 2021 8,636 4 View
I am trying to run a simple Geometry optimization on a 6-core machine, whenever i try to run the simulation it shows this error. "Open MPI tried to fork a new process via the "execve" system call...
08 January 2021 3,133 0 View
I am reviewing and gathering information on “shipbuilding operations management”. This research is done in the following three sections. 1. Ship design 2. Manufacturing and construction...
07 January 2021 6,529 3 View
Results in OLS method, illustrate a strong relationship between 3 explanatory variables and a dependent variable; however, when it comes to GWR method(using the same explanatory variables),...
28 December 2020 3,788 1 View
I am using several U-Net variants for a medical image segmentation task. I get the following values for the performance measures including Dice, IOU, Area under receiver-operating characteristic...
28 December 2020 7,484 3 View
I want to know if difference-in-difference approach can be used for two treatment groups. Can I use it it between them or should I first identify a control group and then compute the diff-in-diff...
21 December 2020 3,102 1 View
computers are everywhere and they have many impacts but what are the main effects of the use of computers socially and economically
10 December 2020 9,978 3 View
I starting studying human-computer interaction, and its aim to provide effective interaction between human and computer. Because of its ubiquitous nature, I am looking for research topics, present...
07 December 2020 1,492 2 View
Hi all! I was interested if there is an objective measure on which modal curvefitter is the most appropriate for fitting a FRF. Should I simply compute MSE (mean-squared error) between the fit...
03 December 2020 5,975 0 View
I'm a researcher that will be using USCF Chimera, Autodock, and Autodock Vina tools. I've been using an Intel i5 8th Gen processor (i5-8250U) lenovo E480 thinkpad with 8GB of RAM, and I'm planning...
19 November 2020 3,833 3 View
I have installed the software BRUKER Flexanalysis 3.4 on my computer successfully. But when I tried to import the MS data produced by BRUKER MALDI-TOF-MS, I met with an error described in the...
11 November 2020 8,523 1 View
Hi, I'm conducting a research on fraudulent financial reporting. One of the variables score has been reversed, I wonder if I should refer to the total score that has computed the reversed items or...
09 November 2020 347 0 View
The goal is to compute the total/annual subduction rate of mode water. For this computation, we need horizontal currents (u,v) and vertical currents (w) at the base of the mixed layer when the...
05 November 2020 5,423 3 View
Hello. For other purposes, which cannot be done in ANSYS, I extract the mass and stiffness matrices. As a check I use the extracted mass and stiffness matrices to compute the natural frequencies....
23 October 2020 5,110 3 View
I did a logistic regression and now I need to know how to compute concordant pairs of the predicted probability of my Y variable. I want to do this because I need to know model fit. I did the...
21 October 2020 7,960 1 View
What if I make my machine stuck with a physical hardware switch when someone attacks my computer ? Can it be a good feature as all access is based on NIC card and what if I disable it when a...
20 October 2020 3,534 5 View
I have been reading this paper. Here, they have computed for forwarding kinematics to compute...
19 October 2020 8,409 3 View
When I compute NPK Data obtained from the mangroves soil applying statistical methods of multiple correlation coefficients with the N as the independent variable, it gives negative value, what...
17 October 2020 3,025 7 View
Hi there, I am no political scientist so please bear with me :) I would like to measure political orientation but the rough left-right-scales IMHO are not so informative. Online there is this...
13 October 2020 826 3 View
Greetings, I'm doing a screening design and want to allow for lack of fit. I need replications so I want to add four additional points to my dataset. Rather than use center runs I use corner...
12 October 2020 9,900 1 View
Shula Weissman I changed user in my computer. I can't enter my account?
12 October 2020 9,080 4 View
Hello network, in my data I have a variable, that is measured differently across groups. This variable is described by 6 consistent dimensions, that are equal within all the 6 groups. However,...
08 October 2020 2,108 2 View
I know how to compute eigenvalues to test stability. The question If i have for example a 10 node model with 5 lags, how do i choose stable parameters without just guessing.
07 October 2020 5,423 6 View