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Questions related to Computer
I have sequenced one mitochondrial locus and computed pairwise FST‘s for all pairs of 7 populations using Arlequin. One of the reviewers asked me whether I had corrected p-value after multiple...
29 April 2021 1,084 8 View
In my manuscript the publisher has requested me to compute prevalence ratio rather than odds ratio
22 April 2021 1,112 3 View
Quantum Computers have an advantage over classical computers as they are based on quantum states which can be three 0, 1 or superposition of 0and 1. Till now classical had 0 or 1 states of...
22 April 2021 1,730 4 View
Could anyone please share the sample calculation for the inlet and exhaust exergy calculation for simple PEM fuel cell?
21 April 2021 7,048 1 View
I am working on a panel of 36 countries over a period 1990-2018 and l want to compute marginal effects for the various regression models employed(OLS, RE, FE and system GMM) using STATA. Anytime l...
20 April 2021 7,110 5 View
I would like to measure the current/voltage of my system and save the data to my computer. The instrument (Agilent 34410A digital multimeter) speaks the SCPI language. How can I save the measured...
14 April 2021 7,167 5 View
For a given molecule, which has has four singlet excited states of symmetry (1 T1g, 1 T2g, 1 Gg, 1 Hg), I want to compare and compute MOs using GAUSSIAN package. I am not sure where to get orbital...
14 April 2021 1,497 2 View
Can anyone recommend a 'robust reference' that covers the percentage of electrical input into computers that does useful work (operating fans/pushing electrons around, computational duties) and...
11 April 2021 2,799 3 View
Hello everyone, I’m interrested in using FEM in narrow regions and use BEM for the radiation part to compute the pressure at very far field away from the narrow region. I would like to know if...
29 March 2021 4,713 10 View
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a cluster where I can run my simulations. I need minimum 28 cores. Thanks for your help
25 March 2021 9,296 5 View
I need to evaluate the packet delivery ratio (PDR), but I couldn't figure out how to compute sent, received, and forwarded packets by a given node Is there any possible way to do that?
24 March 2021 7,756 4 View
I have to validate the actual ET obtained from model output by using the actual ET value derived from the pan evaporation value. Is there a method to calculate the daily AET from pan evaporation?
19 March 2021 3,581 8 View
My study topic is jet mixing noise. I am given a velocity field in Vx, Vy, Vz at x and y coordinates, and would like to find the pressure field, and from that, find the sound level (or at least...
16 March 2021 449 4 View
In computing variables for SFA, can I use their cost values (say the cost of labour, input, output) or use the quantities (like labour in man/days, output in kg and input in ...?)... Or can I use...
14 March 2021 334 1 View
Hello. I am running spatial regression models using R. Although I mostly use ML (Maximum Likelihood) method, I learned the only way to compare SDEM (Spatial Durbin Error Model) and SDM (Spatial...
10 March 2021 5,378 2 View
Hi, I have one variable with the gender of respondents, and let say the other variable consist of female car, male car, female bike, male bike. I want to create a new variable that should be...
10 March 2021 6,245 2 View
Educational Process
02 March 2021 2,144 1 View
I am a master student and i am working on my research, so I am a bit confuse don't really know how to match computer with telecommunication as a topic
01 March 2021 7,306 6 View
What should one do if he obtains conflicting results between Content Validity Index (CVI) and CVR for items in a quetionnare. For example based on the CVI obtained the items are acceptable but the...
26 February 2021 7,541 2 View
I had computed the HWE test using the --hardy command of the plink 1.9 program, to find the observed and expected heterozygosity. The observed and expected homozygosity has been calculated using...
25 February 2021 5,414 2 View
I want to know how we can use data about cancer or any data in QTL method and the nature of data. How we can compute the recombination frection for this problem. that consider acceptable for...
23 February 2021 2,807 2 View
Hello dear researchers, 1.I want to know how can I compute pooled effect size when we have three types of logarithmic Mean&SD Type 1. Log (x) with base 10 Type 2. Ln (x) Type 3. Just...
19 February 2021 8,435 3 View
I faced such a problem. I have a nonlinear system for control synthesis and I should compare not only my controllers but also a linear version of my system to describe the legitimacy of this...
12 February 2021 7,518 7 View
Hello everyone. I am looking for a simple formula to compute the distance in Km between two points inside the Earth. I do not mean the usual problem between to cities (distance along the surface)...
03 February 2021 3,743 4 View