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Questions related to Computer
I am recently study clustering quality metrics like Normalized Mutual Information and Fowlkes-Mallows scores. Both of the scoring metrics seem to focus on a summary of the entire clustering...
07 October 2020 1,935 4 View
Computer network is a group of computers that use a set of common communication protocols over digital interconnections for the purpose of sharing resources located on or provided by the network...
06 October 2020 8,269 25 View
Very long simulations may be subject to computer failure for many reasons. Is there a command in Gate to save (or dump) the state of a simulation and be able to resume it later?
05 October 2020 8,274 2 View
Nowadays we are using calculators, computers and many other types of machines which are relieving us from using our brains. Do you thinking that is reducing our ability to calculate, analyze and...
04 October 2020 8,554 17 View
SkyNet is publicly available as an open-source software at However, i can not install it on my computer? Have anyone met the similar problem? First, CC=icc...
21 September 2020 7,061 16 View
I suppose that weight by 1/distance that I can find in the IBk algorithm of Weka tool in computed by the formula 1/(distance)^2, but I'm not sure. Can you help me to be sure of the presence of...
16 September 2020 7,902 3 View
Hello to everyone, I'm trying to calculate a waypoints path of a curvilinean motion from 3-axis inertial data acquisition for pedestrian dead-reckoning experiment. I have the tangential...
13 September 2020 5,075 1 View
Kindly share R script to compute PCA (Principal component analysis). Regards Sougata Das.
01 September 2020 6,050 4 View
I searched a lot for a generalized equation or an algorithm that can be implemented on MATLAB. However, all that I found still theoretical analysis. Can you help with the algorithm or the code for...
25 August 2020 8,326 7 View
Hi I am trying to use the app RWRMTN in cytoscape, but seems that my computer can't load the data set. The process is using more than 90% of the RAM (16GB; amd ryzen 5 3.2ghz 6 core...
17 August 2020 3,757 2 View
The combined SD value for 2 groups using formula in the Cochrane handbook and using online calculators ( ) was the same. However, when calculated...
16 August 2020 5,067 7 View
anyone has purchased Ag90nm, ZnO 10,50 nm and TiO210,50nm NPs from M. K Impex Corporation-Canada company. the powders were characterized by using FTIR spectrometer and UV-visible...
12 August 2020 1,671 3 View
Hello All, I'm going to do this experiments, taking 3 acre plot to plant Avocado and Areca nut along with the Leguminous plants. Before i proceed with this experiments i would know is there any...
12 August 2020 9,619 8 View
I am learning digital image correlation (DIC) and how to employ it for strain measurement of solid under loading. I need some images to perform DIC processing on them. Where can I find those image...
09 August 2020 8,267 3 View
I used the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (Ranked version) with a psychotherapy client and then noticed in the manual that the answer sheet is normally computer scored. 1. Does anybody have...
07 August 2020 998 2 View
According to Google, it can achieve a quantum dominance with 53 qubits, i.e. 253 calculation simultaneously. However, this is not sufficient to break SHA2562 encryption through brute force with...
01 August 2020 2,561 3 View
What is the impact on time complexity if the number of input variables increases or decreases? Do membership function and linguistic variables influence the time complexity?
28 July 2020 9,478 1 View
For my research, I have designed a web application to connect different DBMS(Oracle, MySQL, SqlServer and PostgreSQL) on my desktop computer. Web application can access tables of these dbms. The...
27 July 2020 2,718 3 View
Hello, I created MODFLOW and MT3D models in GMS for a real plain. (Quantitative and qualitative model) In quality mode (MT3D), some of the observation wells have been computed to be zero! While...
14 July 2020 5,194 4 View
Hey, I am running a multiple regression and was asked to compute power analysis for a difference between two slope within the regression line. What I do is looking on differences between father...
03 July 2020 7,918 3 View
I want to perform hypothesis testing on two "target" time series, a treatment and a control. I want to fit a GAM (Facebook's Prophet) and make a lower-variance estimate ("now-cast") of the time...
03 July 2020 688 0 View
There is any finding to protect the seeds from the desiccation, insect and disease infestation after sowing in the field without losing its viability, if there is no rainfall after one month of...
28 June 2020 7,893 0 View
I want to run an explicit impact analysis, in which I am using UMAT to define my material propeties (JH2). When I import my input file to the cluster and run it in parallel mode it gives me the...
23 June 2020 7,949 1 View
I have been trying to get familiar with Wavelet toolbox in matlab for denoising purposes. I understand that wavelets assumes noise does not affect much low frequency bands which is why...
16 June 2020 5,654 0 View