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Questions related to Computer
Dear all, I'd like to compute the distance between two brain states. Each brain state is represented as a symmetric correlation matrix of X by X regions. As a result, I'd like a "distance matrix"...
10 June 2020 5,040 7 View
Hi everyone I´m running a CCA analysis of a set of 22 environmental variables with 29 species with vegan package on R, and my results just have the first 14 environmental variables, how can i see...
09 June 2020 258 0 View
Think of a scenario where there's a dataset with 15 attributes(i.e. columns heading). I want to apply the clustering algorithm on that dataset but not taking all 15 attributes but taking any of...
04 June 2020 5,765 10 View
Consider you have two computational methods to solve a specific problem (also the corresponding software) and want to see which method is more efficient for the specific problem. Is it possible to...
01 June 2020 7,653 6 View
I need to implement WCETT metric in RPL objective function. So if someone has any idea please help me, I will be grateful. Thank you
01 June 2020 6,488 0 View
I have a dataset that has both nominal and ordinal data in it and would like to comput the krippendorff’s alpha on said dataset. Is this possible? If not, is there a way I can compute the...
30 May 2020 1,841 3 View
I am working on a water quality model for the Mula Mutha river. I have a doubt regarding the dispersion coefficient to be entered. whether to enter a fixed value or computed value? what are...
23 May 2020 1,038 1 View
Hi can you suggest me some ways to get full fund for Ph.D in computer engineering? do you have and good source for start application best regards
20 May 2020 4,356 1 View
For the determination of effective degradability of a feed, I need to use Naway Computer Programme. Can anyone help me to get this programme? Thanks in advance.
17 May 2020 2,327 4 View
I am trying to compute the median duration of postpartum insusceptibility for one of my objectives. However, my values are much lower than the ones in the published report. Can you please help me...
11 May 2020 1,232 7 View
Hi all, I am analyzing a dataset from a classroom experiment and I found some issues. The set up: IV1) within-subject factor; IV2) between-subject manipulation, randomized at the group level. I...
06 May 2020 1,585 0 View
Hi everyone, I am designing a combinational circuit and I need to calculate the processing time of a 2x1 mux, 8x1 mux, 3x8 decoder, and inverter (NOT gate) I can measure the processing time...
05 May 2020 2,711 13 View
Due to instant dissipation of heat in conducting wire cracks, ohmic resistance of 2nd harmonic of an AC current shows zero phase shift to temperature of the generated heat wave. Following the same...
30 April 2020 7,998 0 View
Dear All I am trying to build a computer cluster consisting of a master and some number of slave desktop computers, to increase the performance. I tried to use Open Source Cluster Application...
29 April 2020 5,504 2 View
Dear Peers, I am pursuing a study focusing on Small Gains (SG) and Small Losses (SL) around zero earnings in the EU. When computing ratio SG/SL there is a problem as follows. There are several...
28 April 2020 7,780 0 View
I am running a test on Implicit bias. I want to compare a couple of things, first years of experience working with population vs their yes/no result for implicit bias (yes they were biased or no...
24 April 2020 8,403 0 View
please find attached question Thank you
21 April 2020 4,193 9 View
What are the appropriate steps to describing the method of data collection without being too subjective or biased?
19 April 2020 7,528 5 View
Can force obtained from EMG be compared with force obtained from computed muscle control in opensim?
18 April 2020 1,014 1 View
Please calculate the Perimeter p of the circle C without using the diameter d nor the rayon r. For this calculation dont use a computer, use ur mind, a pen, and a notepad for drawing a...
10 April 2020 2,723 0 View
The machine on which Medea Vasp is currently running is not able to run many jobs though parallel. So i want to distribute the tasks through cloud computing in other computers which have higher...
06 April 2020 6,418 0 View
In openbabel, I have to upload a SMILES file (with extension. smi). I don't know how to save SMILES string (e.g.: C12C3C4C1C5C4C3C25) into SMILES file in my computer. I have tried in cactus...
03 April 2020 1,373 5 View
I have daily maximun rainifall data from which I want to compute extream Rainfall Intensity (mm/hr) and the peak flow for different return period.rainfall.
01 April 2020 2,376 0 View
I'm a Ph.D. student at Hohai University, Nanjing, China. I want to analysis a soil slope failure by using MPM(material point method), but I didn't find a software that can use it to simulate this...
31 March 2020 1,792 2 View