Numerical methods to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows. | Contact experts in Computational Fluid Dynamics to get answers
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Questions related to Computational Fluid Dynamics
I have tried Idelchik's Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance 4th Edition (2007 page 300) formulas and across some range the formulas are reported valid for, the law of conservation of energy is...
21 February 2021 2,739 1 View
My CFD problem is having two interconnected rectangular channel, which is known as mini heat sink. I have already performed parallel flow inside of an interconnected mini heat sink. However, I...
20 February 2021 3,415 3 View
Since Abaqus CFD is no longer available in newer versions what are other available codes for Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation
12 January 2021 2,297 3 View
I want to do research for completion of MS Degree......
05 January 2021 9,633 3 View
Hi! I am introducing myself very new to Nektar++ ( opensource code. I installed the code according to the user guide manual. The installing process shows success. --...
03 January 2021 9,168 3 View
I am trying to design CVD Reactor using COMSOL Multiphysics, for this i have to get the some of the unknowns in the Arhenius Rate expression K= A (T/Tre)^n e^(-E/RT). the unknowns are...
30 December 2020 2,796 5 View
I'm using OpenFOAM to run a CFD study of thermal comfort within a hall. I'm using OpenFOAM v1912 and BouyantBoussinesq(Simple&Pimple)Foam solver. eI have 6 inlets and outlets each with specific...
22 December 2020 1,535 3 View
I know specific heat and density. However, thermal diffusivity is unknown. Is there any particular equation which I can apply to calculate? I checked one based on calculation of molecular thermal...
21 December 2020 7,418 4 View
08 December 2020 4,635 19 View
Assuming two-dimensional flow, I'm trying to implement a code for a quasi DNS problem. There is no doubt that i should replace the velocities in Navier-Stokes equation (NSE) with its equivalent...
05 December 2020 8,472 3 View
I want to ask how the displacement and momentum thickness can be calculated from CFD results? should I plot the velocity profile at the location I want to calculate the displacement or momentum...
01 December 2020 3,708 5 View
During a severe accident in a nuclear reactor an energetic molten fuel/coolant interaction could happen, where a multiphase flow of a steam-water mixture in a region which contain drops of a...
30 November 2020 8,654 2 View
Hi I'm looking for a book for discretization schemes in dropwise condensation and stability and consistency analysis of it. if anyone have idea about this subject, please share with me thanks
24 November 2020 6,559 2 View
Dear Enthusiasts, I hope you are enjoying your research. I have a new topic (well, to me at least) and I want your valuable ideas on it. I want to compute Buffet Forcing Function on an aerodynamic...
16 November 2020 8,516 2 View
I am trying to determine the optimum spray height and the effect of downwash on spray droplets for an agricultural drone in Ansys
10 November 2020 6,123 2 View
Note that the airport is under planning and needed to know the number and type of aircraft it needed
09 November 2020 6,950 3 View
How can a tailless tiltwing aircraft be balanced when the location of the center of gravity is located slightly below and aft of the aerodynamic center? How can such a cg placement be analytically...
05 November 2020 1,430 5 View
Dear all, I am writing my thesis on "CFD analysis on hydrogen assisted diesel engine". I am seeking help to construct the kinetic mechanisms for hydrogen diesel co-combustion. I managed to find...
04 November 2020 6,808 9 View
What are the advantages of Finite volume method (FVM) over Finite difference Method (FDM) for particularly flow simulation (CFD) ?
03 November 2020 8,412 11 View
Hi all, I am currently writing my thesis on CFD analysis on dual-fuel hydrogen diesel engine to understand the behavior of emissions. At present I am using ANSYS Forte to conduct the CFD...
28 October 2020 3,502 3 View
Hi i add a force to right hand side of momentum equation in ansys fluent. after finish the simulation i checked the mass conservation and the continety is violate in my simulation. my BC is : mass...
01 October 2020 7,240 4 View
I am needing to obtain patient specific geometries of the left ventricle for use in CFD and 3D printing. Does anyone know how to do this using 3D/4D echo obtained from the GE Vivid E95? Does this...
30 September 2020 2,813 3 View
Dear HPC-guys, my lab has about 20k euro to buy a small cluster for CFD and quantum chemistry. We are thinking about buying two servers: 2xXeon 6240 2x32GB DDR4 Raid Perc H740P HDD 2x240Gb SSD Is...
29 September 2020 5,159 3 View
Hi, I am doing CFD analysis of journal and partial arc bearing. And I need to apply the following Reynolds boundary condition ( Pressure Boundary Condition ) by writing UDF. P=Pa = 0 at Z=0 and...
15 September 2020 2,225 3 View