Numerical methods to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows. | Contact experts in Computational Fluid Dynamics to get answers
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Questions related to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Hello, I've recently been trying to run a transient simulation of a system with Fluent's solar ray tracing. I've been running into issues as to get proper results I need the simulation to go on...
23 June 2021 9,687 1 View
Microphone array is heavily used in acoustical techniques such as detection, DOA, target tracking and so on. I'm wondering if there is a user-friendly code or toolbox that can be used for demos in...
03 June 2021 6,921 4 View
I need to measure the water depth in the cylinder ( the picture attach) that mixes with air in Ansys CFX, and I don't find an excellent expression to do that.
29 May 2021 6,200 3 View
For my masters thesis, I want to work in aerodynamics but quite confused in panel methods like Discrete vortex method and CFD. I read somewhere that CFD has replaced panel methods to a large extent.
28 May 2021 7,679 3 View
Dear all, I created mesh in Numeca Hexpress for Multiphase simulations of a ship (snapshot attached). When I check the mesh quality, in this regard orthogonality in specific, the minimum...
26 May 2021 1,189 1 View
in my work, i figured out that when i change the mesh size, and than when i submit the job, it gives totally different results under same circumstances, so why this happening to me, and how can i...
20 May 2021 7,053 2 View
Hi, Urgent ! need help I'm working on a centrifugal pump, the goal is to evaluate the performance curve of the pump (i.e head vs flow rate) now, i started by using a Total pressure inlet (0 atm)...
20 May 2021 344 3 View
VOF is generally used for interface reconstruction. However, VOF discretization scheme with a special interface treatment is used to reduce the numerical diffusion and maintain the interface...
20 May 2021 5,645 3 View
I am working on a simplified problem before moving on the actual one. I am trying to simulate pull out test of a simple nail from a drilled hole. I have considered the materials to be isotropic...
19 May 2021 6,878 0 View
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics play a very important role for designing of air/vapour borne equipment like Spray dryers , air heaters, Vapour seperators etc
17 May 2021 2,905 3 View
Hello everyone. How can I set up a porous medium model in CFD? First of all, how can/should i create the geometry of fiber filter without using any other software ?
05 May 2021 8,882 3 View
I am trying to boil water that enters the tube through inlet, and exits as super heated steam at outlet. Constant heat flux is being used. I am new to CFD. Could you please suggest how to go...
03 May 2021 7,175 3 View
Being a first year Master's student, I wish to pursue my research on the aforementioned, but the abundance of resources ended up confusing me as to where to start. Suggestions are appreciated.
24 April 2021 692 4 View
OpenFOAM is the leading free, open source CFD software operates on Linux kernel operating system. Nowadays this software is the most widely used free CFD package. However, its learning resources...
23 April 2021 6,328 6 View
In rotating flow, how the hall current effect affects the flow. Particularly in confined flow, the Hall Current effect is overserved y so many others.
18 April 2021 5,739 2 View
Dear colleagues, Anyone knows how to correlate the frictional coefficient (Cf) measurement in a turbulence flow channel with a flat plate meansurement in a towing tank? We can get Cf from the...
06 April 2021 2,777 4 View
Hi all, I am new to CFD and currently using ANSYS Fluent as my solver for my transient LES simulation for one of my research. I have switched on the data sampling in fluent and exported these...
02 April 2021 7,851 1 View
The role of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been interesting for researchers in numerical computation of various problems both in colleges and industries. Industries prefer commercial...
30 March 2021 8,438 8 View
In the CFD area, it is common sense to set interfaces between two bodies that have different meshes. My questions are: 1) Which set of variables are mapped between two different meshes on the...
26 March 2021 9,592 5 View
Most literatures derived the liquid sloshing model using velocity potential. However, there are no potential for rotational flow. Numerical solutions are absolutely possible using finite element....
26 March 2021 603 3 View
A numerical code for steady state temperature variation in a 2D channel subjected to parabolic velocity profile. generate solution for different combination of velocity and thermal diffusivity.
25 March 2021 6,050 3 View
Hi everyone. I am doing a two-way FSI analysis of bearing (Fluent + Structural). Can anyone tell me how to decide the values for RMS convergence target and Under relaxation factor in the system...
24 March 2021 8,870 6 View
Any structures like the bridge, railway suspension, beam, building. With damage occurred, it is expected that the vibration mode will be different.
04 March 2021 9,069 5 View
I would appreciate any comments on the following problem. I need to calculate mean fields (e.g. pressure, velocity and vorticity), for which I activate Trn Stats tab in CFX-Pre. However, what I...
22 February 2021 9,286 7 View