I am running mixed linear regression. We have a cluster based factorial trial with two interventions one is for mental development ((MD) and other is nutrition based(NT). Subjects are children of age 2-4 years. Outcome is child's mental development assessed by various type of scores. Both interventions coded as '0' if child not exposed to the intervention and '1' otherwise.The model is adjusted for clustering,household socio-economic status and maternal IQ. The problem is when we take 'intervention received(1)' as reference group we observed significant decrease in Beta's of child development score with MD and non significant increase with NT but when we switched off reference category to '0' i.e. 'not received intervention' significance of of beta coefficients change with direction. We observed non-significant increase in MD and significant decrease in NT.This happens after inclusion of maternal IQ in the model. Can any one help with this? Switching of reference category can change significance (p-value).


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