11 Questions 273 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yacine Lafifi
In your opinion, what are the indicators to measure the quality of distance teaching? a. The course content and/or presentation b. The teaching scenario/method c. The interaction of the...
17 March 2021 5,992 38 View
As a teacher, what is the best teaching method you prefer: Collaborative learning, problem-based learning, individual learning, video-based learning, games-based learning, etc. in the following...
14 July 2020 8,862 96 View
Educational games have been seen as effective tools for enhancing learners' learning (game-based learning platforms). However, in recent times, we have noticed some problems with the isolation of...
22 June 2020 5,290 27 View
The aim of this question is to know how the distance education can help to communicate with the autistic students and integrate them in emergency situations such as COVID-19. I think that this...
18 June 2020 435 8 View
Are existing virtual laboratories efficient? How do you see the realization of practical works for other disciplines during emergency situations (architecture, agriculture, electronics, civil...
09 June 2020 3,314 20 View
During this period of crisis (COVID-19), several students are very worrying on their educational background, their lives and their relationships with others. We want to take all these concerns...
08 June 2020 490 32 View
During the COVID-19 pandemic, e-learning was adopted by the majority of countries around the world as a solution to continue teaching despite the limits it has compared to face-to-face teaching....
01 January 1970 2,208 70 View
After COVID-19, the economy of all countries is affected. Can distance teaching reduce the budget of the sector education of the countries? In other words, how does e-Learning contribute to reduce...
01 January 1970 462 56 View
In face-to-face teaching, teacher training is an essential task. Trainings are organized as well as refresher sessions are scheduled to train teachers of new teaching tools and methods. In your...
01 January 1970 2,522 98 View
Through this discussion, I would like to know your opinion on the possibility of applying flipped classrooms with a reduced number of students during face-to-face sessions and more time for...
01 January 1970 6,385 32 View
Dear RG members, In your opinion, what is the best teaching method in a distance learning context? 1. Problem-based learning (PBL). 2. Programmed learning or guided learning: when the learner can...
01 January 1970 8,531 42 View